KAIKUN 凯昆自动化
常州市凯昆自动化设备有限公司 位于常州市新北区,主要以批发、零售工业自动化产品的专业分销型企业,公司长期与厂商保持良好合作关系。以工业自动化为主营,集科,工,贸于一体专业优秀自动化公司,常年备有大量库存.公司主要经销批发的编码器、传感器、安全开关、限位开关、继电器等自动化产品,品种齐全、价格合理。公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。公司本着“优质高效、追求卓越”的宗旨,拥有专业的工业自动化产品销售队伍专业和采购队伍,经过长时间的积累与良好的信誉,汇集了国内外数百个品牌的供货渠道资源,为广大客户提供了最优惠的价格及保障的产品和优质的服务。企业精神: 先做人,后做事。企业宗旨: 以人为本、诚信养德、科技兴业、服务社会。企业使命: 成为对客户,对员工,对投资者,对商业合作伙伴和我们所工作和生活的社区最有价值的公司。经营理念: 品质、专业、诚信、创新。品质~介绍国外优质产品给中国客户,把我们优质的服务带给中国客户。 专业~专业人士,以专业的态度,在本专业内,提供最专业的产品。 诚信~一切合作的基础,代表成功和效率。 创新~通过不断的创造,培养自己的实力,充实自己的内涵,做到与时俱进
  • Euchner 安士能 TK 安全传感器开关

    "EUCHNER Safety Switches are used to protect personnel by monitoring and interrupting the safety circuit depending on the position of the machine guard. The locking solenoid holds the guard closed until a stored energy hazard has dissipated. It can also prevent damage to a part in process due to an inadvertent machine shutdown. To meet current worldwide standards, safety interlock components cannot be easily bypassed. These switches have positive opening contacts (in accordance to NFPA 79) and redundancy to guarantee that they fail to a safe state. The TK switch utilizes the same body as the TP switch however has a metal actuating head and locking pin. This unique switch does not require a separate actuator just a separate hole on the door opposite of the actuating pin of the switch."

