《诗经●国风●桃夭》曰:桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。凝华夏千年之智慧、集江南万里之灵气。南京灼华电气有限公司 成立于2015年,公司位于国家东部地区现代工业基地--南京六合区,本公司是专业从事工业自动化、电气控制、自动化仪表销售、服务为一体的企业。可为用户提安全可靠的工业过程控制产品及解决方案。产品可广泛应用于水泥、冶金、矿山、石油、化工、机械、电力、能源、环保、航空航天、机器人制造等多个行业领域。本公司与世界千余家各大厂商精诚合作,经销欧美日各类进口工控备件。如美国ASCO电磁阀、德国HYDAC、德国SICK、日本横河EJA、德国SAMSON阀门定位、美国FISHER阀门定位器、德国SCHUNK夹具、德国E+H、德国ASM传感器等等。常年备有大量库存现货,价格优惠,可提供技术选型支持。本公司为适应国内各大电厂、化工、冶金等行业用户特定需求,本公司专业生产各类国产测温仪表、流量仪表、物位仪表、电缆桥架、调节阀等等,可提供产品及成套项目设计、选型、改造等。回首峥嵘岁月,我们风雨同舟;展望发展道路,我们信心满怀。如今,南京灼华电气正以更加旺盛的斗志,自强不息的精神,秉持灼华人 用户至上、质量上乘、管理高效、维誉至诚的企业理念,本着以人为本、互惠互利的经营原则,矢志于民族工业的腾飞,以可靠的质量,富有竞争力的价格,完善周到的服务,期待与国内外客商真诚合作,共享创造与繁荣之喜悦,永无止境地向更加辉煌的未来奋进!
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR® 4300 热像仪

    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-40 to 300 C (-40 to 572 F)
    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:320 lines
    垂直分辨率:256 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    最大帧速率:75 to 706 frames per second
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR® 5300 热像仪

    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    垂直分辨率:256 lines
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    测量范围:-40 to 3000 C (-40 to 5432 F)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    温度分辨率:0.0150 C (0.0270 F)
    最大帧速率:481 to 105000 frames per second
    水平分辨率:320 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR® 8300 Z 热像仪

    光谱范围:3.6 to 4.9 microns (3.6 to 4.9 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    最大帧速率:50 to 5000 frames per second
    探测器类型:Indium Antimonide (InSB) Detector ;Other
    水平分辨率:640 to 1280 lines
    最大尺寸:14.17 inch (360 mm)
    测量范围:-10 to 500 C (14 to 932 F)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    垂直分辨率:512 to 1024 lines
    重量:38.59 lbs (17.5 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®10300 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:1920 lines
    重量:10.36 lbs (4.7 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    光谱范围:3.6 to 4.9 microns (3.6 to 4.9 micrometers)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    测量范围:-40 to 1200 C (-40 to 2192 F)
    最大帧速率:113 to 2493 frames per second
    垂直分辨率:1536 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    温度分辨率:0.0220 to 0.0350 C (0.0396 to 0.0630 F)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®7300 热像仪

    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-40 to 300 C (-40 to 572 F)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    最大帧速率:75 to 1200 frames per second
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®8300 热像仪

    测量范围:-40 to 3000 C (-40 to 5432 F)
    最大帧速率:151 to 5000 frames per second
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®8300 hp 热像仪

    测量范围:-40 to 3000 C (-40 to 5432 F)
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    最大帧速率:232 to 5000 frames per second
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®8800 热像仪

    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大帧速率:233 to 14593 frames per second
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.7 to 10.2 microns (7.7 to 10.2 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    最大尺寸:9.61 inch (244 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9300 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    最大帧速率:106 to 3200 frames per second
    水平分辨率:1280 lines
    垂直分辨率:1024 lines
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大尺寸:9.25 inch (235 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9300 Z 热像仪

    测量范围:-10 to 500 C (14 to 932 F)
    最大帧速率:50 to 5000 frames per second
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    水平分辨率:640 to 1280 lines
    最大尺寸:14.17 inch (360 mm)
    重量:38.59 lbs (17.5 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    光谱范围:3.6 to 4.9 microns (3.6 to 4.9 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    探测器类型:Indium Antimonide (InSB) Detector ;Other
    垂直分辨率:512 to 1024 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9400 热像仪

    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 to 0.0300 C (0.0360 to 0.0540 F)
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大帧速率:180 to 3343 frames per second
    重量:9.48 lbs (4.3 kg)
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    垂直分辨率:1024 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9400 hp 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 to 0.0300 C (0.0360 to 0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:1024 to 2048 lines
    重量:9.48 lbs (4.3 kg)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    最大帧速率:180 to 3343 frames per second
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9400 hs 热像仪

    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 to 0.0300 C (0.0360 to 0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:1024 to 2048 lines
    重量:9.48 lbs (4.3 kg)
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    最大帧速率:180 to 3343 frames per second
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9500 热像仪

    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    重量:10.36 lbs (4.7 kg)
    光谱范围:3.5 to 4.8 microns (3.5 to 4.8 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-20 to 2000 C (-4 to 3632 F)
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大帧速率:120 to 16053 frames per second
    垂直分辨率:720 to 1440 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HD Head 600 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.7 inch (221 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:2.54 lbs (1.15 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HD Head 700 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.7 inch (221 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:2.54 lbs (1.15 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HD Head 800 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HDx Research 600 热像仪

    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 60 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 1700 C (-40 to 3092 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0300 C (0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Head 900 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Inspect 900 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Research 900 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Z 热像仪

    水平分辨率:1024 lines
    垂直分辨率:768 lines
    重量:7.5 lbs (3.4 kg)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    精度:5 ±% Full Scale
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    最大尺寸:15.83 inch (402 mm)
    环境温度范围:-13 to 122 F (-25 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-20 to 1200 C (-4 to 2192 F)
    温度分辨率:0.1000 C (0.1800 F)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HDx Head 600 热像仪

    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    最大尺寸:8.7 inch (221 mm)
    温度分辨率:0.0300 C (0.0540 F)
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    垂直分辨率:480 lines
    重量:2.54 lbs (1.15 kg)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    测量范围:-40 to 1700 C (-40 to 3092 F)
    最大帧速率:30 to 60 frames per second
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    便携式:Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HDx Inspect 625 热像仪

    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 1280 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 60 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 1700 C (-40 to 3092 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0300 C (0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 960 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers

