厦门兴润星贸易有限公司座落于美丽的厦门,我们是福建自贸区头个工业配件公司,多年专业从事大型进口系统(DCS集散式控制系统、PLC可编程控制器、数控系统、机器人系统)备件销售。公司以“为客户创造价值是我们永远追求的目标”为宗旨,本着“质量保证,诚信服务,及时到位”的做事态度。主营产品DCS集散式控制系统、PLC可编程控制器、数控系统、(CPU处理器、模块、卡件、控制器、伺服驱动、工作站、驱动器、马达、 内存卡、 电源,机器人备件等)各类工控产品,欢迎来电咨询。主营品牌ABB、AB(Allen-Bradley)、Foxboro(福克斯波罗)、ovation(西屋)、Schneider (施耐德)、Modicon(莫迪康)、HP(惠普)、Bailey(贝利)INFI 90、 GE、Sienmens(西门子)、YASKAWA(安)、Mitsubishi(三菱)、FANUC(发那科)Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐)、Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)、Woodward(伍德沃德)、Motorola(摩托罗拉),各类工控产品,欢迎来电咨询。一:营销精英厦门兴润星现已成一家全球性的工业自动化备件及零部件的销售企业。公司自成立以来始终坚持以纯电子商务模式运营、缩减中间环节、为客户在**时间提供上等的产品及满意的服务、为您的生产以及采购工作提供‘** 快捷 方便’公司拥有完善的物流供应系统、现已与众多国外知名品牌生产厂商建立了良好的合作关系。我司能直接从境外进货、能够提供不同国别、厂商的设备以及备件、解决您多处寻找的麻烦或对产品质量问题的担心等、在价格上我们有很大的优势、产品详细信息、竭诚欢迎您来电查询或使用E-mail查询!二:特色服务厦门兴润星以停产控制系统零部件、为**优势、我们有大量库存和盈余操控系统零件、停产的控制系统部分硬件、我们也发布了许多新的硬件和产品来支持你现有的控制系统或运用*新的控制技术、停产的“DCS系统备品 备件 PLC模块 备件”整机及配件系列、有着强大的优势只要您需要的PLC产品、我们就能帮您找到、公司**价格优势。三:应用领域厦门兴润星经销产品广泛应用于数控机械 冶金、石油天然气、石油化工、化工、造纸印刷、纺织印染、机械、电子制造、汽车制造、**、塑胶机械、电力、水利、水处理/环保、市政工程、锅炉供暖、能源、输配电。  四:经营理念厦门兴润星以“专业、 诚信、**、合作、共赢”的经营理念、不断开发新产品、为客户提供上等服务、以*大限度追求客户满意、并不断开拓新领域业务。五:企业精神厦门兴润星倡导“勤奋、求实、开拓、发展”的企业精神,在企业内部构建积极向上、团结协作、**进取的企业文化和人才环境。。我们都在这里,秉承“诚信•务实•专注•**”的企业价值观,做中国*专业的自动化供应商。
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N10 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11CN 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11CP 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11MN 光电传感器及开关

    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Output:Voltage
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11N 光电传感器及开关

    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Beam Type:Visible
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N11P 光电传感器及开关

    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12CN 光电传感器及开关

    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12CP 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12N 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N12P 光电传感器及开关

    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N13CP 光电传感器及开关

    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N13N 光电传感器及开关

    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N13P 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N14CP 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N14N 光电传感器及开关

    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N14P 光电传感器及开关

    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire PNP
    Electrical Connection:2m Cable
    Height:1.19 inch (30.3 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Length:2.83 inch (71.8 mm)
    Width:0.3858 inch (9.8 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Body Shape:Rectangular
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N15CN 光电传感器及开关

    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
    Beam Type:Visible
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire NPN
    Height:1.22 inch (31 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Width:0.5118 inch (13 mm)
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Length:3.31 inch (84 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 FS-N15CP 光电传感器及开关

    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 131 F (-20 to 55 C)
    Beam Type:Visible
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Height:1.22 inch (31 mm)
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Electrical Connection:M8 Connector
    Length:3.31 inch (84 mm)
    Output Load:DC Load; 3-Wire PNP
    Width:0.5118 inch (13 mm)
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam; Retroreflective; Polarized Retroreflective; Diffuse; Convergent; Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Fiber Optic:Glass; Plastic
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H1000 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:7.87 to 39.37 inch (200 to 1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H1000L 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:7.87 to 39.37 inch (200 to 1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H130 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.37 inch (34.7 mm)
    Length:2.07 inch (52.5 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:2.17 to 5.12 inch (55 to 130 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.9488 inch (24.1 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H130L 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.37 inch (34.7 mm)
    Length:2.07 inch (52.5 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:2.17 to 5.12 inch (55 to 130 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.9488 inch (24.1 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H45 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.17 inch (29.7 mm)
    Length:1.91 inch (48.5 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:0.7874 to 1.77 inch (20 to 45 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.8898 inch (22.6 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H450 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:6.3 to 17.72 inch (160 to 450 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 GV-H450L 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:2.6 inch (66 mm)
    Operating Temperature:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    Operation Distance:6.3 to 17.72 inch (160 to 450 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:1.07 inch (27.2 mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

