
How to Buy Real Estate in the Metaverse


Those who are interested in the metaverse know it provides a virtual reality to live, work and play with others. But even those who haven't fully dived into the pace are scooping up the opportunity to invest and turn a profit in the metaverse by purchasing virtual real estate properties.

Meta Residence

Yes, you heard that right, you can buy real estate and leverage it just as you could in real life by populating it with interactive experiences like events, concerts, 3D objects, games and a marketplace to sell assets such as your own NFT creations.

But that's not all — in some cases, metaverse real estate and physical real estate have started to converge. The MetaReal mansion is a real-life Miami home with an identical virtual mansion in the metaverse that will be listed for auction in early 2023. That means the purchaser of the home will also acquire ownership rights to the NFT asset. This very well could be the tipping point for adopting NFTs in the real world.

Related: 5 Things to Consider Before Buying NFTs

What is a metaverse real estate NFT?

In real life, we use deeds and titles to prove ownership of the land we own. In the metaverse, we use blockchain technology (ledger) to keep track of ownership records in the form of an NFT, or non-fungible token. This refers to an asset that has a unique code and metadata with no other asset holding equal value. Assets are bought and sold with cryptocurrencies using blockchain technology, ensuring the transaction is incredibly secure and ownership cannot be counterfeited.

By purchasing a metaverse real estate NFT plot, you are purchasing a one-of-a-kind asset that is unique to you and you alone. Unlike cookie-cutter homes that exist in every neighborhood, your metaverse plot is unlike any other. This allows you to develop and use the plot as you please and is only limited by your imagination.

Related: How NFTs Drive Brand Engagement and Opportunity

What are the metaverse real estate marketplaces?

The main market places available today are Deceltraland, CryptoVoxels (now called Voxels), Worldwide Webb, Treeverse and The Sandbox. But those platforms are not the only places to purchase plots, and as more people realize the power of buying in the metaverse, more platforms will likely come available.

Because most land is sold on the secondary market or via third-party marketplaces at this time, it can be easier for new buyers to purchase real estate, because purchases can be made using Ethereum. Some marketplaces use their own cryptocurrency for purchases on their platform. For example, The Sandbox uses SAND and Decentraland uses MANA, but it's not difficult to swap for different coins if needed.

Image credit: Meta Residence

Just as you would look at a city map or real estate broker website to compare prices, information and the exact location of the plot of land you are interested in purchasing, you should do the exact same thing in the metaverse. Real estate marketplaces provide the same comparative information for each plot, which allows you to make informed purchasing decisions.

Metaverse real estate plots also provide something no real-life plot offers: Friends, family, coworkers, associates, customers and even celebrities can visit and interact by simply logging into their computer. No travel time, plane rides or traffic. No matter where you are in the world, you and your networking circle can access your metaverse properties 24/7.

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Why use NFTs for real estate?

It's exciting to think that by the end of 2022 metaverse real estate is estimated to do $1 billion in transactions, but don't let FOMO (fear of missing out) force you to make a snap decision. This space is not regulated like normal banking and investing — some people even compare it to the wild west. Like any other investment you make, do your research before diving in.

There has been an increase in entrepreneurs who are looking to expand their portfolios into assets that have the potential to yield a passive income. Many are considering the options available through metaverse real estate such as renting, flipping, selling their own creations and hosting events.

But it's not just entrepreneurs who are investing in metaverse real estate. Due to the unique purchasing options, NFT real estate is available to anyone looking for a unique way to create passive income, host events and sell merchandise, including businesses, corporations, gamers, investors, athletes and the average Joe.

Related: 3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Expand Their Financial Portfolio Using NFTs

How do real estate NFTs work?

Real estate NFTs work just like any other NFT.

The buyer purchases the NFT with the cryptocurrency the seller requests. Once the purchase is made, the NFT is transferred to the buyer's virtual wallet, which gives them complete rights to the plot of virtual land. The new owner can keep it and use it as they wish or flip it for a potential profit.

The difference between real estate NFTs and other NFTs is the option to develop and change the plot. Just like when purchasing a physical plot in real life, an NFT plot allows you to develop the land, rent it out or resell it. The only difference is that in the metaverse, real estate is 3D blocks, not a physical piece of land.

But don't think that 3D blocks limit the potential for a metaverse plot — you have the power to use your plot as you wish, which includes inviting clients or customers to virtual events, developing the land, opening a marketplace and so much more.

Related: Why Intellectual Property Will Dominate NFTs

How do NFTs work in physical real estate?

NFTs are making the jump from the digital world to the physical world. Kevin O'Leary has been very vocal about using the technology of the unique code and metadata to authenticate ownership of physical products like luxury watches. Watchmakers listened and began implementing this technology just in the past year. Forgery is unfortunately a massive global business, and it happens all too easily by simply replicating the certificate of authenticity. That can't happen with an NFT due to blockchain technology that offers a level of security unavailable until now.

This technology has the potential to change how all goods are protected from fraud and forgery — including the real estate market — as owner authenticity is unable to be duplicated, which makes your purchase highly unique and secure.

With high-end retailers such as Rolex testing the waters by implementing NFT technology to verify authenticity, numerous other industries, including real estate, could eventually begin using it as well. It's only a matter of time before using NFTs for authentification becomes the norm, and growth is only dependent on how fast industries can adapt and adopt the hack-proof technology to prevent fraudulent activities.

The 4 steps to buying real estate in the metaverse

To purchase metaverse real estate, you need to follow these four steps.

1. Open an exchange

Open an exchange to deposit your local funds and buy crypto. Exchanges provide tutorials and step-by-step instructions on how to fund your exchange, so don't feel intimidated if this is your first time using one. Binance, Gemini, Kucoin and Coinbase are all trusted exchanges.

Tip: It is best to create and use an encrypted email specifically for anything you do in crypto land including setting up your exchange. Proton Mail is an option.

Tip: Always send small test transfers first! In many cases, the first coin you choose to purchase is ETH (Ethereum). Depending on the real-estate platform you choose to use, you might need to swap your ETH for whichever coin the platform uses.

2. Create a digital wallet

Create a wallet for your crypto that will allow you to purchase the real estate you are interested in. The most popular is MetaMask for the Chrome browser however you can look into Coinbase Wallet or Fortmatic.

Tip: Keep and save your wallet's secret keys and passwords in a safe place and NEVER share them with anyone. There are many scams that lead you to believe you need to share them — don't!

Tip: Now you can send your crypto from your exchange to your wallet. Always do small test transfers first. Most exchanges have great tutorials and step-by-step instructions on how to transfer your crypto.

3. Research land

Decide which platform you want to use to purchase real estate, and create an account by connecting your wallet. Right now a popular platform is The Sandbox where brands, businesses and celebrities like Snoop Dogg and Paris Hilton have their land however, Decentraland, Voxels, Worldwide Webb and Treeverse are other options.

Tip: Most of these platforms are geared towards gamers, but you don't have to play games to invest.

4. Create a marketplace account to buy NFTs

In many cases, you will have to purchase land on the secondary market. It's a good idea to create an OpenSea.io account to do so by connecting your Chrome browser wallet before you go shopping.

Tip: You need to make sure you have enough of the required crypto coin in your wallet for the purchase of the land and gas fees (transaction fee). ETH (Ethereum) is typically used on the secondary market.

Now you're ready to go real estate shopping. Here's what that might look like. I'll use The Sandbox for this example of buying land.

  1. Go to www.sandbox.game and click "Sign in."
  2. Connect your wallet — it recommends MetaMask.
  3. Click the "Buy Land" button on the homepage.
  4. This will take you to the OpenSea.io marketplace.
  5. Filter land from low to high prices.
  6. Choose the land you want it's an orange box in the image. You can view it on The Sandbox map for a better idea of location by clicking the arrow in a box on the upper right corner of OpenSea.
  7. Make sure your wallet has enough of the coin required to purchase the land, plus enough for the gas fees.
  8. Click "Buy Now" or make an offer.
  9. Click "Complete Checkout."
  10. Your wallet will open in your browser and show you the total amount including the gas fees.
  11. Approve the purchase.
  12. Now you'll see the land in your Opensea account as an NFT and in your Sandbox account ready for you to build on.

Don't let the FOMO get to you and force you to make purchases without researching first and or find a trusted crypto expert like Dan Hollings. But once you invest in NFT real estate, you likely won't want to stop.

那些对元宇宙感兴趣的人知道,它提供了一个与他人一起生活、工作和玩耍的虚拟现实。但即使是那些还没有完全融入这一节奏的人,也在抓住机会,通过购买虚拟房地产在元世界中投资并盈利。是的,你没有听错,你可以购买房地产,并像在现实生活中那样利用它,通过在其中添加互动体验,如事件,音乐会,3D对象,游戏和市场来出售你自己的NFT作品等资产。但这还不是全部——在某些情况下,超时空房地产和实体房地产已经开始趋同。MetaReal豪宅是现实生活中的迈阿密住宅,在元宇宙中有一个相同的虚拟豪宅,将于2023年初上市拍卖。这意味着购房者也将获得非金融资产的所有权。这很可能是在现实世界中采用nft的临界点。相关内容:购买非限购产品前需要考虑的5件事什么是元域房地产非限购产品?在现实生活中,我们用契约和头衔来证明我们拥有土地的所有权。在元世界中,我们使用区块链技术(账本)以NFT或不可替换令牌的形式跟踪所有权记录。这指的是具有唯一代码和元数据的资产,没有其他资产持有相同的价值。资产使用区块链技术用加密货币买卖,确保交易非常安全,所有权不会被伪造。通过购买一个元宇宙房地产非ft地块,你就购买了一种独一无二的资产,这对你是独一无二的。不同于每个社区都存在的千篇一律的房屋,你的元宇宙情节不同于其他任何情节。这让你能够随心所欲地发展和使用情节,并且只受限于你的想象力。相关内容:NFTs如何驱动品牌参与和机会今天可用的主要市场是减速兰特、CryptoVoxels(现在称为Voxels)、Worldwide Webb、Treeverse和沙盒。但这些平台并不是唯一可以购买地块的地方,随着越来越多的人意识到在元世界中购买的力量,可能会出现更多的平台。因为此时大多数土地都是在二级市场或通过第三方市场出售的,所以新买家购买房地产会更容易,因为购买可以使用以太坊。一些市场使用自己的加密货币在其平台上进行购买。例如,《沙盒》使用沙子,《去中心化》使用MANA,但如果需要的话,换不同的硬币并不困难。就像你会查看城市地图或房地产经纪人网站来比较你感兴趣的地块的价格、信息和确切位置一样,你也应该在元世界中做同样的事情。房地产市场为每个地块提供相同的比较信息,这可以让你做出明智的购买决定。超宇宙的房地产情节还提供了现实生活中情节所不能提供的东西:朋友、家人、同事、同事、客户甚至名人都可以访问并通过登录他们的电脑进行互动。没有旅行时间,没有飞机,没有交通堵塞。无论你在世界的哪个地方,你和你的社交圈可以全天候访问你的元宇宙属性。令人兴奋的是,到2022年底,元世界房地产预计将完成10亿美元的交易,但不要让FOMO(害怕错过)迫使你迅速做出决定。这个领域不像正常的银行和投资那样受到监管——有些人甚至把它比作蛮荒的西部。就像你做的任何其他投资一样,在投入之前要做好调查。 越来越多的企业家希望将他们的投资组合扩大到有可能产生被动收入的资产。许多人正在考虑通过超时空房地产提供的各种选择,如租用、翻转、出售自己的作品和举办活动。但并非只有企业家在投资超时空房地产。由于具有独特的购买选择,NFT房地产适合任何寻求独特方式创造被动收入、举办活动和销售商品的人,包括企业、公司、玩家、投资者、运动员和普通人。相关内容:企业家使用nfts3种方法来扩大他们的金融投资组合。买方使用卖方要求的加密货币购买NFT。一旦购买完成,NFT将被转移到购买者的虚拟钱包中,这将赋予他们对虚拟土地的完全权利。新主人可以保留它并按自己的意愿使用它,或者为了潜在的利润而将它转手。房地产nft与其他nft的区别在于开发和改变情节的选择。就像在现实生活中购买一块土地一样,NFT地块允许你开发、出租或转售土地。唯一不同的是,在元世界中,房地产是3D块,而不是一块物理的土地。但是不要认为3D方块限制了元世界情节的潜力——你有能力按照自己的意愿使用你的情节,这包括邀请客户或客户参加虚拟活动,开发土地,打开市场等等。相关内容:为什么知识产权将主导非专利技术的发展snft正在从数字世界向实体世界跃迁。李瑞(Kevin O'Leary)一直非常支持使用独特代码和元数据的技术来验证奢侈手表等实体产品的所有权。钟表制造商听取了这一建议,并在去年开始实施这项技术。不幸的是,伪造是一项庞大的全球性业务,只要简单地复制真品证书,就很容易发生伪造。这在NFT中不可能发生,因为区块链技术提供了到目前为止无法获得的安全级别。这项技术有可能改变保护所有商品免遭欺诈和伪造的方式——包括房地产市场——因为所有者的真伪是无法复制的,这使你的购买高度独特和安全。随着劳力士(Rolex)等高端零售商尝试采用非识别技术来验证真品,包括房地产在内的众多其他行业最终也可能开始使用这种技术。使用NFTs进行身份验证成为标准只是时间问题,增长只取决于行业适应和采用防黑客技术以防止欺诈活动的速度。在元数据中购买房地产的4个步骤要购买元数据房地产,您需要遵循以下4个步骤。开设交易所开设交易所,存放您的本地资金并购买加密货币。交易所提供教程和如何资助您的交易所的一步一步的指导,所以不要感到害怕,如果这是你第一次使用一个。币安、Gemini、Kucoin和Coinbase都是值得信赖的交易所。提示:最好创建和使用加密的电子邮件专门用于你在加密领域做的任何事情,包括设置你的交易所。质子邮件是一个选择。提示:总是先发送小的测试转移!在许多情况下,你选择购买的第一个硬币是ETH(以太坊)。根据你选择使用的房地产平台,你可能需要将你的ETH交换为该平台使用的任何硬币。创建一个数字钱包为您的加密货币创建一个钱包,允许您购买您感兴趣的房地产。最受欢迎的是MetaMask为Chrome浏览器,但你可以查看Coinbase钱包或Fortmatic。 小贴士:把钱包的密匙和密码保存在一个安全的地方,永远不要与任何人分享。有很多骗局让你相信你需要分享它们-不要!提示:现在您可以将您的加密货币从您的交易所发送到您的钱包。总是先做小的测试转移。大多数交易所都有关于如何传输密码的优秀教程和循序渐进的指导。决定你想使用哪个平台来购买房产,并通过连接你的钱包创建一个账户。现在一个很受欢迎的平台是The Sandbox,品牌、企业和名人像Snoop Dogg和Paris Hilton都有他们的领地,然而,去中心的土地,Voxels, Worldwide Webb和Treeverse是其他的选择。小贴士:这些平台大多面向玩家,但你不一定非要玩游戏才能投资。创建一个市场账户来购买nff在很多情况下,你将不得不在二级市场购买土地。创建一个OpenSea是个好主意。在你购物前连接你的Chrome浏览器钱包。提示:您需要确保您的钱包中有足够的所需加密货币来购买土地和天然气费(交易费)。ETH(以太坊)通常用于二级市场。现在你准备好去购买房产了。这是可能看起来的样子。我将使用Sandbox作为购买土地的例子。不要让FOMO影响到你,并迫使你在没有首先研究和或找到一个可信的加密专家如Dan Hollings的情况下进行购买。但是一旦你投资了非ft房地产,你可能就不想停下来了。



