
Fabrication Bazar Raises Over INR 7 Crore Seed Fund


Fabrication Bazar has raised over INR 7 crore in a Seed funding round led by Inflection Point Ventures. The fund raised will be utilized towards expanding the team, technology enhancement and scaling the operations to the export market.

Company handout

"We are empowering micro and small steel fabricators by driving the demand from large, process-driven corporates. The journey is challenging and turbulent. In IPV, we found not only an early investor but a partner and a guide to bring more clarity towards the critical path," said Dwaipayan Dutta, founder and CEO, Fabrication Bazar.

The company have supplied to over 300 customers in domestic and international markets and have often had customers come back with larger ticket size repeat orders. It has grown 165 per cent in FY22 with a confirmed order booking of INR 130 crore for FY23, claimed by the company in a statement.

"This unique platform, which aims to serve end customers and streamline the sector in every possible way, has already grown 165 per cent in FY22 with a confirmed order booking of INR 130 crore for FY23. Such high-quality standards and impeccable solutions have led IPV to invest in the company and support them in their future endeavors," said Ankur Mittal, co-founder, Inflection Point Ventures.

Founded in 2016, Fabrication Bazar deals with the manufacturing of pre-fabricated steel products and specializes in designing and installing techniques for the project. It took a pivot from asset-heavy to asset-lite model using technology post-covid.

As per reports, the industry is highly unorganized with many small fabricators as vendors on one side and large process-driven corporates as customers on the other side. With 300 million tonnes of projected steel production by 2030, India will be the second-largest steel producer globally with competitive costing.

Fabrication Bazar在由Inflection Point Ventures领投的种子轮融资中筹集了7000多万卢比。筹集到的资金将用于扩大团队、提高技术和扩大出口市场的运营。我们通过驱动大型工艺驱动企业的需求,为微型和小型钢铁制造商提供能力。这段旅程充满挑战和动荡。在IPV中,我们不仅找到了一个早期投资者,还找到了一个合作伙伴和一个向导,使关键路径更加清晰,"Fabrication Bazar的创始人兼首席执行官Dwaipayan Dutta说。该公司已向国内外市场的300多家客户供货,并经常有客户带着更大的机票尺寸的重复订单回来。该公司在一份声明中称,该平台在22财年增长了165%,23财年已确认订单量为13亿卢比。该独特的平台旨在服务终端客户,并以各种可能的方式简化该行业,22财年已增长165%,23财年已确认订单量为13亿卢比。这些高质量的标准和无可挑剔的解决方案促使IPV投资这家公司,并支持他们未来的努力。Inflection Point Ventures联合创始人安库尔·米塔尔说。Fabrication Bazar公司成立于2016年,主要从事预制钢制品的制造,并专注于项目的设计和安装技术。它利用新冠肺炎后的技术,从重资产模式转向轻资产模式。据报道,该行业是高度无组织的,许多小型制造商作为供应商,而大型过程驱动企业作为客户在另一边。到2030年,印度的钢铁产量预计将达到3亿吨,印度将成为全球第二大钢铁生产国,成本具有竞争力。



