
Ola Electric Invests $500 Million To Set Up Battery Innovation Centre


Ola Electric, electric vehicles manufacturing company, said it will invest $500 million to set up a Battery Innovation Centre and promoting indigenous cell research and development in India. The company plans to set up a state-of the-art Battery Innovation Centre (BIC) in Bengaluru. As per Ola Electric statement, it will be one of the most advanced cell R&D facilities with more than 165 unique and cutting-edge lab equipment to cover all aspects of cell-related research and development.


"Electric mobility is a high growth sector which is R&D intensive. Ola's Battery Innovation Centre in Bangalore will be the cornerstone for core cell tech development and battery innovation out of India for the world. BIC will house advanced labs and high-tech equipment for battery innovation and will power India's journey towards becoming a global EV hub," said Bhavish Aggarwal, founder and CEO, Ola Electric, in a statement.

He also added that, "BIC will have the wherewithal to develop complete packages of battery pack design, fabrication and testing under one roof. It will also be equipped with an integrated facility for hand-in-hand nanoscale analysis to develop new battery material."

According to Kotak Institutional Equities report, taking the Ola fire incidents into consideration, Ola will begin mass production of its cell from its upcoming gigafactory by 2023. It expects the current cell cost of $150 per kilowatt hour to reduce to $100 per kWh as it moves this in-house from its current vendor, LG Chem. The company expects this move to lead to a 10 to 20 per cent reduction in the total cost and an 8.5 per cent improvement at the earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization level.

As per recent reports, Ola Electric had unveiled its indigenously manufactured lithium-ion cell, NMC 2170. According to company statement, the use of specific chemistry and materials enable the cell to pack more energy in a given space and also improves the overall life cycle of the cell. It has been developed keeping the indigenous conditions at the core.

电动汽车制造公司Ola Electric表示,将投资5亿美元建立一个电池创新中心,并促进印度本土电池的研发。该公司计划在班加罗尔建立一个最先进的电池创新中心(BIC)。根据Ola Electric的声明,它将是最先进的电池研发设施之一,拥有超过165台独特和前沿的实验室设备,涵盖电池相关研发的所有方面。电动交通是一个研发密集型的高增长领域。位于班加罗尔的Ola's电池创新中心将成为核心电池技术开发和电池创新的基石,从印度走向世界。BIC将拥有先进的实验室和用于电池创新的高科技设备,并将为印度成为全球电动汽车中心提供动力。奥拉电气创始人兼首席执行官巴维什·阿加瓦尔在一份声明中说。他还补充说,BIC将有必要的资金在一个屋檐下开发完整的电池组设计、制造和测试包。它还将配备一个手拉手纳米级分析的综合设施,以开发新的电池材料。"根据Kotak Institutional Equities的报告,考虑到Ola的火灾事故,Ola将在2023年之前从即将到来的超级工厂开始批量生产电池。该公司预计,目前电池成本为150美元/千瓦时,将降低到100美元/千瓦时,因为它将从目前的供应商LG化学内部进行这项工作。该公司预计,此举将导致总成本下降10%至20%,利息、税项、折旧及摊销前利润水平将提高8.5%。根据最近的报道,Ola Electric公布了其国产锂离子电池NMC 2170。根据该公司的声明,特定化学物质和材料的使用使电池能够在给定的空间内储存更多的能量,也改善了电池的整体生命周期。它的发展以本土条件为核心。


Megger 梅凯 1000-761 DET14C Earth Clamp 接地电阻测试仪

EN61010安全等级CATIV 600V。延长电池寿命\ n绝对最大电阻测量= 1500Ohms\ n校准= UKASBest精度= \ u00b135% \显示类型= LCDSafety类别= CAT IV 600 V\ n电池寿命= 24h\电池类型= AA\ n电源=电池\ nsize = 248 x 114 x 49mmWeight = 985g"

RS Components 欧时 8133221 气体仪器

霍尼韦尔XC系列一氧化碳探测器/报警器包括型号XC70-EN(813-3212)、XC100-EN(813-3221)和XC100D-EN(813-3224)。每种型号均采用电池供电,探测器内部密封有长寿命3V锂电池,避免篡改,无需维护。符合BS EN 50291-1:2010(国内应用)和BS EN 50291-2:2010(娱乐应用)的要求,其中包括在游艇和旅行车等娱乐车辆中使用这些探测器。报警指示灯红色LED(XC70-EN),大报警动作信息(XC100-EN&XC100D-EN)。如果在用户不在时检测到CO,则报警内存会提醒用户。探测器每60分钟对电子设备进行一次自动自检。检测到的气体=一氧化碳;应用程序=商用、工业仪表类型=天花板、独立式、壁挂式、可移动报警=是;可视报警=是;电源=电池;电池类型=不可充电锂;尺寸=100 x 72 x 36mm;重量=135g;长度=

Fluke 福禄克 3947835 频率计

自动关机,如果不使用时,开机,以保持电池寿命。综合防护枪套。EN61010-1(安全标准)600v Cat III,过压保护至6kv。电压测量高达1000v交流和直流,0.1 mV的分辨率。EN61010-1(安全标准)评级600 V猫IV \ / 1000 V猫三世\ nMultimeter Type =手持\ nAbsolute最大直流电流测量= 10 \ nAbsolute最大直流电流测量

Visual Sound DPA 4120&40 音频放大器和前置放大器

放大器DPA 4120\/40既可以在交流电源上操作,也可以连接到外部24 VDC电池电源。放大器的输出功率为3ru和1x200瓦(dpa4120)或1x400瓦(dpa4140)。该设备具有CE标志以及UL和CSA识别,并符合EN 60849\/VDE 0828与PROMATRIX®系统结合使用。

TelephoneStuff.com FLUKE-187 数字万用表

带实时时钟的最小/最大/平均值和250µs快速最小-最大/频率、电容,占空比和脉冲宽度测量-电阻、电导,连续性和二极管测量-温度和dBV\/dBm,带可选择的参考值-用于数据交换和封闭式校准的PC接口-电池和保险丝访问,无需断开校准密封件-EN 61010-1(IEC 1010-1)CAT III 1000V\/CAT IV 600V-仅189型:内部存储器允许高达1000的独立日志记录测量值-仅适用于189型:可存储多达

Martindale 马丁戴尔 CM100 数字电流表

符合:BS EN61010-1、BS E6101-2-032、IV类600V、II级双绝缘。探头电缆长度:18英寸(45.8cm)。探头电缆直径:标称8.35。电缆长度(探头到仪表):1.8米最大交流电流测量值=3kA AC型号=CM100校准=RSCALAC电流测量分辨率=10mA AC电流表类型=电流最大交流电流精度=±3%+5位数字量程均方根=是电源=电池尺寸

PCE Instruments 5860464 声级计和噪声剂量计

这种集成的精密脉冲分贝计遵循所有有效的标准和指南(Klasse 1 EN\/IEC 61672、ANSI S1.4-1983、ANSI S1.43-1997 EN\/IEC61260等)。在这种情况下,将安装一个充电器和两个额外的铅凝胶电池,使声音监视器可以工作10天。在室外声音测量期间,外壳可能保持关闭状态。由于麦克风和电源的外部连接,所有电子元件都受到防水保护。








