
Elon Musk Is Worried About Bots. You Should Be, Too.


Recently, Elon Musk caused quite a stir in the tech world by announcing his offer to buy Twitter. He created even more sensation just a few weeks later by announcing that the $44 billion deal was put on hold, because he believes that Twitter has far more spam and bot users than they claim. Musk is worried about bots — and all of us should be too.

A bot is a computer program that automatically performs actions that a user would. It can create accounts and persona, search for specific keywords, like and comment on tweets and click on advertisements. Traditionally, bots were simply used for automation like click fraud for ads, artificially inflating the rank of a particular website (search engine optimization) or rendering a service useless by bombarding it with requests (denial of service attacks). Today, however, advances in artificial intelligence have led to the creation of bots that can do much more. Bots can now produce text in the form of news articles, stories and even research papers within just a few seconds. Some sophisticated bots can also synthesize (extremely real-looking) media to support their claims. And what is worse is that as humans, we cannot even distinguish machine generated text and images from those created by humans.

Related: Fake Accounts and Bots: Is Marketing on Twitter Worth It?

Selling bot services is a booming business. There are numerous websites where you can purchase retweets of your tweet, followers for your LinkedIn, views for your YouTube channel and likes on your Instagram posts. And it's not all that expensive either — you can buy 1,000 Instagram followers for just 34 cents and 1,000 Twitter followers for less than $5. One website says that you can buy up to 5 million Instagram followers. Given the number of such websites, one can only imagine the amount of bots on social media. Not only are bots very inexpensive to buy, but the text and image generation capabilities are also extremely accessible. The technology is out there, and anyone with access to the Internet can create fake news articles and videos with a Google search.

Related: Why the Rise of Bots is a Concern for Social Networks

What does this mean?

First and foremost, we can no longer believe everything we see on the internet that is seemingly backed up by evidence. So, a tweet saying that Ukraine has surrendered and ordered forces to retreat might not be true, even if it has a clip that shows the Ukrainian president saying so. And second, numbers on social media are essentially meaningless; the influencer with 2 million followers might not be an influencer (or even a real person) at all, and a tweet with a million likes does not represent the public's opinion of that tweet. It is incredibly easy for an adversary with the right resources (which are not that extensive) to carpet-bomb the internet with fake news and drown out real news from legitimate sources.

Ultimately, the burden of detecting and cleaning the network of bots is on the platform. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are serving conflicting interests — that of their own business and that of consumers. Removing bots keeps the network clean, but aggressive filtration also blocks genuine users as well as their engagement and clicks, which ultimately impacts revenue. But platforms must focus on doing the right thing (and also the legal thing; beginning 2021, the FTC has started cracking down on bot services by charging companies under the BOTS act). Bots make it harder to acquire real user engagement and reduce consumer trust in the platform. Would you want to painstakingly make the effort to build a brand on a website if you know that among a million followers you acquire, there might not even be one who is a real person?

Related: How to Avoid Getting Scammed by Influencers With Fake Followings

What can you do?

What can you, as a non-techie, do to protect yourself from bots? Unfortunately, there is no good answer to that question. Be vigilant about what you read and believe on social media, and do not commit to an opinion (or share it) before confirming it from multiple independent sources (if a tweet shows a CDC report that claims to prove that vaccines cause autism, check to see if you can find the same report on the CDC website). Challenge the belief that a video of an event is evidence that it actually happened, or a post that has a million likes truly implies that a million people actually like it. When you see retweets, reposts or quotes, go right to the Twitter account of the official source, and verify it.

Musk is right to raise concerns about the number of bot accounts. He might not be the most polite person in the world, and he might be doing it for the wrong reasons, but he's fighting a fight that is yours, mine and all of society's.

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最近,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)宣布收购推特(Twitter),在科技界引起了不小的轰动。几周后,他宣布暂停440亿美元的交易,这引起了更大的轰动,因为他相信Twitter的垃圾邮件和机器人用户远比他们声称的要多。马斯克担心机器人——我们所有人也应该担心。机器人是一种自动执行用户会执行的操作的计算机程序。它可以创建账户和角色,搜索特定的关键字,喜欢和评论推文,点击广告。传统上,机器人只是用于自动化,如广告点击欺诈,人为地提高特定网站的排名(搜索引擎优化)或通过轰炸请求(拒绝服务攻击)使服务变得无用。然而,今天,人工智能的进步已经导致机器人的创造,可以做更多的事情。机器人现在可以在几秒钟内以新闻文章、故事甚至研究论文的形式产生文本。一些复杂的机器人还可以合成(非常逼真的)媒体来支持他们的说法。更糟糕的是,作为人类,我们甚至无法区分机器生成的文本和图像与人类创造的文本和图像。相关:虚假账户和机器人:在Twitter上做营销值得吗?销售机器人服务是一个蓬勃发展的行业。在许多网站上,你可以购买你的推文的转发,你的LinkedIn的粉丝,你的YouTube频道的观看和你的Instagram帖子的点赞。它也不是那么贵——你可以花34美分买1000个Instagram粉丝,花不到5美元买1000个Twitter粉丝。一个网站说你可以购买多达500万的Instagram粉丝。鉴于此类网站的数量,我们只能想象社交媒体上机器人的数量。机器人不仅价格低廉,而且文本和图像生成功能也非常容易获得。技术已经存在了,任何人只要能上网,用谷歌搜索就可以创建假新闻文章和视频。相关内容:为什么机器人的崛起会引起社交网络的关注首先,我们不能再相信我们在互联网上看到的一切似乎都有证据支持。所以,一条说乌克兰投降并命令军队撤退的推文可能是假的,即使它有乌克兰总统这么说的片段。其次,社交媒体上的数字基本上没有意义;拥有200万粉丝的影响者可能根本不是影响者(甚至不是真人),一条拥有100万个赞的推文并不代表公众对该推文的看法。对于一个拥有合适资源(不是那么广泛)的对手来说,用假新闻在互联网上进行地毯式轰炸,淹没合法来源的真实新闻是非常容易的。最终,检测和清理机器人网络的重担落在了平台上。像Facebook和Twitter这样的平台正在为相互冲突的利益服务——既为自己的企业服务,也为消费者服务。删除机器人可以保持网络的清洁,但积极的过滤也会阻碍真正的用户以及他们的参与度和点击量,最终影响收益。但平台必须专注于做正确的事情(同时也是合法的事情;从2021年开始,联邦贸易委员会已经开始打击bot服务,根据bot法案对公司进行收费。)bot使得获得真正的用户粘性变得更加困难,并降低了用户对平台的信任。如果你知道在你获得的100万粉丝中,可能连一个真人都没有,你还会煞费苦心地在网站上建立品牌吗?相关文章:如何避免被有虚假粉丝的影响者欺骗 作为一个非技术人员,你能做些什么来保护自己免受机器人的伤害呢?不幸的是,这个问题没有好的答案。对你在社交媒体上读到的和相信的东西保持警惕,不要在从多个独立来源确认之前就发表某种观点(或分享它)(如果一条推文显示了一份CDC报告,声称证明疫苗导致自闭症,看看你是否能在CDC的网站上找到相同的报告)。挑战这样的信念:一段事件的视频就能证明这件事确实发生过,或者一篇有100万个赞的帖子真的意味着有100万人喜欢它。当你看到转发、转发或引用,直接去官方来源的Twitter帐户,并验证它。马斯克对机器人账户数量的担忧是正确的。他可能不是世界上最有礼貌的人,他这样做的原因也可能是错误的,但他正在为你、我和整个社会而战斗。商业策略、创业建议&鼓舞人心的故事都在一个地方。探索新的企业家书店








