
Zeitview’s Advanced Inspection Services Will Help Develop North America’s Largest Solar and Storage Installation


Zeitview To Assist in Development of Largest Solar + Storage Installation in the U.S.

by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian M. Crosby

Today, Zeitview, which recently rebranded from DroneBase, has announced its advanced inspection services will be employed in the development of North America’s largest solar and storage utility-scale power plant, Gemini, in partnership with the site’s developer Primergy Solar.

Zeitview’s advanced inspection services will be utilized to capture every stage of the construction process from a bird’s eye perspective, providing essential data that cannot be obtained from the ground. The company’s services will also be employed to ensure that the 6,000 acre facility’s site management is conducted with greater efficiency, guaranteeing that projects are completed within time and budget constraints

Furthermore, Zeitview will provide site developers with artificial intelligence for analyzing data from photographic documentation of the facility and its related elements, ranging from development to operations and maintenance.

Prioritizing long-term sustainability and grid resiliency, utility-scale solar and storage installations will play a crucial role in reaching the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2035. Solar power plants such as this necessitate a considerable footprint in order to effectively utilize the sun’s power. As such, developers are seeking to utilize advanced technologies that diminish the environmental impact of the construction process and guarantee reliability and safety following the site’s activation.

“Gemini is an opportunity to lead the replacement of traditional coal-fueled power plants and pave the way for a more sustainable future. With over 1.8 million bifacial solar modules, the size, scale and integration of a 1.5GWh DC coupled battery, NV Energy has enabled one of the most complex clean energy power plants ever,” says Adam Larner, chief operating officer of Primergy Solar. “Aerial monitoring is critical in supporting the construction and operation of any solar asset, and with something at the scale of Gemini, it is even more crucial to maximizing the development and long-term investment in renewable energy power plants.”

“Aerial data intelligence is crucial for the efficient site management of solar plants like Gemini,” said Mark Culpepper, general manager of global solar solutions at Zeitview. “Beyond minimizing rework to delivering projects within time and budget constraints, a weekly bird’s eye view of construction provides the intelligence you can’t see from the ground. It makes inspectors more productive and frankly more accurate, compared to manual inspections, and saves the time and carbon emissions required to drive a site.”

Zeitview says that Gemini will support over 1,000 jobs in the community during construction and add up to $463 million in economic development value to Nevada’s economy.

Read more:

  • DroneBase New Name, New Funding: Raises $55 Million, Rebrands as Zeitview
  • DroneBase Investment Continues: $20 Million Raise for Renewable Energy
  • Drone Industry Investment: DroneBase Scores Additional $7.5 Million
  • DroneBase & Hangar Partner on Architecture, Engineering and Construction Solution

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb is the Editor-in-Chief of DRONELIFE and CEO of JobForDrones, a professional drone services marketplace, and a fascinated observer of the emerging drone industry and the regulatory environment for drones. Miriam has penned over 3,000 articles focused on the commercial drone space and is an international speaker and recognized figure in the industry.  Miriam has a degree from the University of Chicago and over 20 years of experience in high tech sales and marketing for new technologies.
For drone industry consulting or writing, Email Miriam.


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今天,Zeitview(最近从DroneBase更名)宣布其先进的检测服务将与该网站的开发商Primergy Solar合作,用于北美最大的太阳能和储能设施规模发电厂Gemini的开发。Zeitview先进的检测服务将用于从鸟瞰角度捕捉施工过程的每个阶段,提供从地面无法获得的基本数据。Zeitview的服务还将用于确保6000英亩设施的场地管理以更高的效率进行,确保项目在时间和预算限制内完成。此外,Zeitview将为场地开发人员提供人工智能,用于分析设施及其相关元素的摄影记录数据,从开发到运营和维护。优先考虑长期可持续性和电网弹性,公用事业规模的太阳能和储能装置将在2035年实现100%可再生能源的目标中发挥至关重要的作用。像这样的太阳能发电厂需要相当大的足迹才能有效地利用太阳能。因此,开发商正在寻求利用先进的技术,减少施工过程对环境的影响,并保证场地激活后的可靠性和安全性。“双子座是一个机会,引领取代传统的燃煤电厂,为更可持续的未来铺平道路。拥有超过180万个双面太阳能模块,1.5GWh直流耦合电池的大小、规模和集成,NV Energy已经实现了有史以来最复杂的清洁能源发电厂之一,”Primergy solar首席运营官Adam Larner说。“空中监测对于支持任何太阳能资产的建设和运营都是至关重要的,而双子座的规模,对于最大限度地开发和长期投资可再生能源发电厂来说更是至关重要。”Zeitview全球太阳能解决方案总经理马克·卡尔佩珀(Mark Culpepper)说:“空中数据情报对于双子座这样的太阳能发电厂的有效现场管理至关重要。”“除了最大限度地减少返工,在时间和预算限制内交付项目外,每周鸟瞰施工情况可以提供从地面上看不到的情报。与人工检查相比,它使检查人员更有效率,坦率地说,更准确,并节省了驾驶现场所需的时间和碳排放。Zeitview表示,Gemini将在建设期间为社区提供超过1000个工作岗位,并为内华达州经济增加4.63亿美元的经济发展价值。阅读更多:推特:@ spaldingbarker在这里订阅DroneLife。

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