
Digital Twins vs. Building Information Modeling (BIM)


Digital Twins Vs. Building Information Modeling
Illustration: © IoT For All

Digital twins have fast become the go-to for creating robust data models about all aspects of a building or city at the various stages of its lifecycle. But what’s the difference between a digital twin and Building Information Modeling (BIM) software?

Understandably there has been confusion within the industry about how to differentiate these two important technologies. The confusion in large part comes down to the emphasis of BIM software on physical space represented digitally and Digital Twin’s early definition, a digital replica of a physical object or space. The key difference lies in how each technology is used. Digital Twins are best used for building maintenance and operations while BIM is best used for construction and design.

What is Building Information Modeling?

Let’s start with BIM. Like Digital Twins, BIM has been around since the 1970s. It began as many software projects do – through research! Early researchers like Chuck Eastman began using the term “Building Description System” before it became BIM. Also, like Digital Twins, it didn’t hit the mainstream for a few more decades when the likes of Autodesk, Bentley Systems, and others began popularizing it in the early 2000s.

The primary goal of BIM in its early research days still holds true. The founding fathers of BIM hypothesized that such a system would be important to contractors of large projects for both a visual and quantitative model of the build. They also figured it would be useful for materials ordering and scheduling.

The early hypothesis for BIM holds true. Even today, leading providers of BIM software appeal to AECs (architects, engineers, and contractors) by explaining the cost-saving benefits of having a central point of building reference in a 3D digital model. This model makes it easier to collaborate and recalibrate design during in-flight projects. Its benefits include lowering the risk of projects through a reduction in errors, better timelines, and budget management. It sounds quite comprehensive, similar to the Digital Twin, yet they differ in a few key aspects.

BIM Vs. Digital Twins

1. BIM Is For Design and Construction

BIM is tuned for collaboration and visualization during design and construction, not operations and maintenance. As mentioned above, the intent of BIM is not to create a living breathing model of an operational building but to help architect and construct the building.

The focus of BIM software has been to create a collaborative design and build process that visualizes the physical and functional aspects of a building. Visualization in the design and prototyping phase of a new build has been essential for AECs to understand spatial relationships. Unlike a Digital Twin, this physical information model is tuned for buildings in flight, not ones occupied and utilized daily.

“Building Information Modeling focuses on a building’s design and construction. A Digital Twin represents how people interact with built environments.”


2.  BIM Isn’t Designed for Real-Time Operational Response

Digital Twins are quickly being recognized as the most valuable part of a building’s tech stack – it’s a comprehensive picture of your built environment in real-time. A Digital Twin can give you information about the current state of build subsystems, how they’re being impacted by occupant behavior when assets like HVAC or lighting might fail, and much more. It’s a model that evolves to deliver more value with each new stage of the asset’s lifecycle. BIM is a key data input for any Digital Twin, but BIM alone cannot answer the operational questions facility managers may have about optimizing operations.

3. BIM Focuses on Buildings Rather Than People

According to Gartner, the next evolution of the Digital Twin will see Applications moving beyond just assets to include entire organizations or the Digital Twin of an Organization (DTO). This means people, processes, and behaviors will also be important data sources that give Digital Twins even more context about the built environment.

If trends in CRE continue to gravitate towards understanding occupants and competing on workplace experience, the Digital Twin will certainly supersede BIM software even at the design and build phase of an asset’s lifecycle. As we begin to build things with people and flexibility in mind, our building information models will also need to evolve to include behavior patterns of people and space design that accommodates their wellness. Again, BIM alone cannot achieve these outcomes.

Originally published June 24, 2020. Updated February 1, 2023.






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数字双胞胎已经迅速成为创建关于建筑物或城市生命周期各个阶段的所有方面的可靠数据模型的首选。但是数字双胞胎和建筑信息模型(BIM)软件之间的区别是什么呢?可以理解的是,业界对于如何区分这两种重要技术存在困惑。这种混乱在很大程度上归结于BIM软件对数字表示的物理空间的强调,以及Digital Twin的早期定义,即物理对象或空间的数字副本。关键的区别在于如何使用每种技术。Digital Twins最适合用于建筑维护和运营,而BIM最适合用于建筑和设计。让我们从BIM开始。和Digital Twins一样,BIM在20世纪70年代就已经出现了。它开始于许多软件项目——通过研究!像Chuck Eastman这样的早期研究人员在成为BIM之前就开始使用术语“建筑描述系统”。此外,就像Digital Twins一样,直到Autodesk、Bentley Systems等公司在21世纪初开始推广它时,它才成为主流。BIM在其早期研究阶段的主要目标仍然是正确的。BIM的创始人假设,这样的系统对于大型项目的承包商来说,无论是构建的可视化模型还是定量模型都很重要。他们还发现,这对于材料的排序和调度也很有用。BIM的早期假设是正确的。即使在今天,领先的BIM软件提供商通过解释在3D数字模型中拥有建筑参考中心点的成本节约效益来吸引aec(建筑师、工程师和承包商)。这个模型使得在飞行项目中更容易协作和重新校准设计。它的好处包括通过减少错误、更好的时间表和预算管理来降低项目的风险。这听起来很全面,类似于数字双胞胎,但它们在几个关键方面有所不同。BIM用于设计和施工期间的协作和可视化,而不是操作和维护。如上所述,BIM的目的不是创建一个可操作的建筑的活的呼吸模型,而是帮助建筑师和建造建筑。BIM软件的重点是创建一个协同设计和建造过程,可视化建筑的物理和功能方面。在设计和原型设计阶段的可视化对于aec理解空间关系至关重要。与数字双胞胎不同的是,这个物理信息模型是针对飞行中的建筑物而不是每天被占用和使用的建筑物进行调整的。“建筑信息建模侧重于建筑的设计和施工。数字双胞胎代表了人们如何与建筑环境互动。“数字双胞胎正在迅速被认为是建筑技术堆栈中最有价值的部分——它可以实时地全面了解您的建筑环境。数字双胞胎可以为您提供有关构建子系统的当前状态的信息,当HVAC或照明等资产可能发生故障时,它们如何受到居住者行为的影响,等等。这是一个在资产生命周期的每个新阶段都能提供更多价值的模型。BIM是任何数字双胞胎的关键数据输入,但仅靠BIM无法回答设施管理人员关于优化运营的运营问题。根据Gartner的说法,数字双胞胎的下一个演变将看到应用程序从仅仅是资产扩展到包括整个组织或组织的数字双胞胎(DTO)。这意味着人员、流程和行为也将成为重要的数据源,为Digital Twins提供更多关于构建环境的背景信息。 如果CRE的趋势继续倾向于了解居住者并在工作场所体验上竞争,那么数字双胞胎肯定会在资产生命周期的设计和建造阶段取代BIM软件。当我们开始考虑人和灵活性来建造东西时,我们的建筑信息模型也需要进化,以包括人的行为模式和空间设计,以适应他们的健康。同样,BIM本身无法实现这些结果。最初发布于2020年6月24日。2023年2月1日更新。
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