
Government Researchers Aim for Better—And Cheaper—Batteries


The Department of Energy is expanding its partnerships with battery manufacturers to help them redesign and reduce the costs of future batteries.

The companies include Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Panasonic Corp., and the efforts are intended to help the United States compete with other countries amid a growing, global demand for better batteries. The need for more cost-efficient batteries has risen alongside advances in electric vehicles and renewable energy, both of which use the technology.

Much of the DOE research has focused on materials — such as finding new ways to build cheap batteries that can store a lot of energy. The moves, summarized in “Powering the Future,” a report NREL released last week, could help reduce battery reliance upon scarce imported materials by changing battery designs to limit their need for cobalt, graphite and nickel.

The use of silicon — a hard, brittle, crystalline element that is abundant in the United States and throughout the world — “is likely to be the next new big thing,” said Matt Keyser, head of the Electrochemical Energy Storage Group at NREL in Golden, Colo.

Because silicon can store four to five times more electricity than graphite — which is normally used in batteries — the move would reduce the size and weight of battery packs. That could encourage the use of batteries in larger aircraft “because you want to be able to store as much energy in the smallest mass that we can,” Keyser said.

Another promising outcome is that the size of EV batteries would remain the same, but drive ranges would increase by 30 percent to 40 percent.

“We’re not there yet,” said Keyser, noting that the use with lithium produces cracks in the silicon, reducing its shelf life. “Another three to five years, and I think we’ll have that licked.”

Part of this confidence, according to the NREL report, comes from powerful new scanners and computers that help engineers spot and track microscopic changes in experimental batteries.

Another part comes from pending design changes that will allow battery makers to replace specific materials in existing batteries and recycle them — instead of shredding older batteries when their energy storage capacity weakens.

Batteries require a complex cooperation between materials to create and store electricity. They must have a negative electrode called an anode suspended within an electrolyte, a material that is usually a liquid, which channels an electric current to a positive electrode, called a cathode.

The battery team at NREL is focusing on using differing mixtures of lithium in combination with other materials in both the anode and the cathode. In the process, according to Keyser, they are finding ways to reduce cobalt and graphite, both of which are expensive.

Progress comes down to making sure different components within the cell behave well together, said Tony Burrell, another NREL materials expert working on the battery team. He noted in the team's report that the adverse behaviors of some of the newly-introduced materials, such as silicon, are being reduced by protective coatings.

Reprinted from E&E News with permission from POLITICO, LLC. Copyright 2023. E&E News provides essential news for energy and environment professionals.

美国能源部正在扩大与电池制造商的合作关系,帮助他们重新设计和降低未来电池的成本。这些公司包括三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)和松下电器(Panasonic Corp.),这些努力旨在帮助美国在全球对更好电池需求不断增长的情况下与其他国家竞争。随着电动汽车和可再生能源的进步,对更具成本效益的电池的需求也在上升,这两种能源都使用了这种技术。美国能源部的大部分研究都集中在材料上,比如寻找制造能储存大量能量的廉价电池的新方法。NREL上周发布的一份报告《为未来供电》(Powering The Future)总结了这些举措,通过改变电池设计来限制对钴、石墨和镍的需求,可以帮助减少电池对稀缺进口材料的依赖。硅是一种坚硬、易碎的晶体元素,在美国和世界各地都很丰富,它的使用“很可能是下一个新的大事件”,位于科罗拉多州戈尔登市的NREL电化学储能小组的负责人马特·凯瑟说。因为硅可以比通常用于电池的石墨多储存4到5倍的电量,这一举措将减小电池组的尺寸和重量。这可能会鼓励在更大的飞机上使用电池,“因为你希望能够以最小的质量存储尽可能多的能量,”Keyser说。另一个有希望的结果是,电动汽车电池的尺寸将保持不变,但行驶里程将增加30%至40%。“我们还没有做到这一点,”Keyser说,并指出与锂一起使用会在硅中产生裂缝,缩短其保质期。“再过三到五年,我想我们就能解决这个问题了。”根据NREL的报告,这种信心部分来自于强大的新型扫描仪和计算机,它们可以帮助工程师发现和跟踪实验电池的微小变化。另一部分来自即将进行的设计更改,这将允许电池制造商替换现有电池中的特定材料并回收它们,而不是在储能能力减弱时将旧电池撕碎。电池需要材料之间的复杂合作来产生和储存电能。它们必须有一个被称为阳极的负极悬浮在电解质中,电解质是一种通常是液体的材料,它将电流输送到被称为阴极的正极。NREL的电池团队正专注于将不同的锂混合物与其他材料结合在正极和正极上。凯瑟表示,在这个过程中,他们正在寻找减少钴和石墨的方法,这两种材料都很昂贵。NREL电池团队的另一位材料专家托尼·伯勒尔(Tony Burrell)说,进展归根结底是确保电池内的不同组件能够良好地协同工作。他在研究小组的报告中指出,一些新引入的材料(如硅)的不良行为正在通过保护涂层减少。转载自E&E News,经POLITICO, LLC授权,版权所有2023年。E&E News为能源和环境专业人士提供必要的新闻。
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