
ChatGPT explains how it can help CIOs do their job


ChatGPT, OpenAI’s latest creation has had more than a million users since its release last month, with requests to craft code, write a bedtime story and draw up a plan for a new app among the early use cases. Some experts suggest it has an important role to play in enterprise, so Tech Monitor went to the source and asked ChatGPT “what should a CIO know about you?”

ChatGPT allows registered users to ask questions or get feedback on information and is trained using GPT-3
ChatGPT allows registered users to ask questions or get feedback on information and is trained using GPT-3.

ChatGPT is the latest model to be spun out of OpenAI’s Large Language Model GPT-3 and allows users to converse with it using natural language dialogue. It is trained on a vast amount of data that gives it the ability to respond to a variety of requests.

It isn’t always accurate. Coding question website Stack Overflow has banned AI-generated answers due to a high volume of incorrect but plausible responses. In a statement, Stack Overflow said: “Because the average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT is too low, the posting of answers created by ChatGPT is substantially harmful to the site and users.”

OpenAI says the tool is still “in development” and they are making changes including training the model based on user feedback, so incorrect code and responses help improve the system if users explain where it went wrong. It is only available for beta testing and evaluation now, but it is expected OpenAI will open API access early next year. This will allow companies to develop products based on the software, which could include coding, optimisation, and call centre tools.

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What can ChatGPT do for CIOs?

To find out what ChatGPT thinks its potential is within the enterprise sector Tech Monitor asked it a number of questions, including a request to generate a mock report on managing legacy data, which roles will be taken by AI and what risks should be considered when implementing a large language model like GPT-3.

“As a language model, I can assist with natural language processing tasks and can be used to generate human-like text, but I am not capable of making decisions or performing any actions,” ChatGPT declared when asked what a CIO should know about the tool. “My purpose is to assist users in generating text and to help with natural language processing tasks.”

It outlined a number of areas where it could directly benefit enterprise tech leaders including generating reports, summaries and written comment, helping with data analysis, generating responses to frequently asked questions, providing natural language processing for applications or systems and helping with automation from a simple human-language query.

“It’s important to note that, as a large language model, I am not capable of making decisions or performing any actions,” ChatGPT warned at the end of a list of potential use cases.

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“I can only generate responses based on the information that I have been trained on, and I do not have access to the internet or any external information. I am designed to assist users in generating human-like text and to help with natural language processing tasks.”

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To get more specific responses you have to be very specific in your request. For example, Tech Monitor asked ChatGPT to generate an example report that could be used to outline how to make the best of legacy data within an organisation.

It suggested “implementing a strategy for managing and leveraging this data. This could involve migrating legacy data to a modern, scalable platform that can support current and future data management needs. It may also involve implementing data cleaning and enrichment processes to improve the quality and value of the legacy data”.

The top five benefits, according to ChatGPT, of deploying a tool like this within the enterprise environment are: Improved efficiency, automation of tasks, better support for customers, improved data analysis and enhanced natural language processing capabilities.

Will ChatGPT take human jobs?

With those capabilities in mind, Tech Monitor also asked ChatGPT about the possibility of it taking on the job of CIO in the future, leaving humans out of the equation – but it doesn’t think that is a likely scenario anytime soon because “AI and automation technologies are currently not capable of performing” the various tasks delegated to a CIO.

It listed these as including “managing an organisation’s information technology and systems” as well as “planning and implementing technology strategies, managing budgets and resources, and ensuring the security and reliability of the organization’s systems and data”.

The main reason it doesn’t think AI will take those jobs in the near future is that AI “are not able to make strategic decisions or manage complex systems and processes” but warned, “it is important for CIOs to stay informed about the latest developments in AI and automation technologies, and to consider how these technologies can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their organisation’s technology systems.”

Even after being quizzed further on how it views the role of the CIO, including breaking it down into what the role does and doesn’t involve, ChatGPT was confident humans would keep that job. What a relief.

But that doesn’t mean all jobs within the enterprise sector are safe from automation. When pressed on jobs that could be lost to artificial intelligence in the future ChatGPT gave a list. This included data entry, data processing, customer service, data analysis, financial analysis, quality control, inventory management, supply chain management, fraud detection and transcription.

It explained that “these jobs often involve performing the same tasks over and over, and are well-suited to automation by AI” with jobs involving creativity, judgement or expertise the least likely to be replaced by AI – including R&D, strategy and management.

“It’s important to note that AI is not currently capable of replacing all of the tasks and responsibilities associated with these jobs,” the chatbot cautioned. “Instead, AI and automation technologies can assist with certain tasks and processes, and can help to improve efficiency and productivity.”

ChatGPT is still a “research project” with no indication of when or to what extent it will be made publicly available or accessible to enterprise clients. There is no information on future costs or use cases but it is just one of a number of large language models in development and so this type of natural language solution is likely to play a large part in business in the not-too-distant future.

ChatGPT for enterprise – the analyst viewpoint

Shelly Kramer, principal analyst at Futurum Research described the possibilities presented for enterprise use of large language models as “exciting and daunting”, particularly during this nascent stage of development.

“As it relates to the ability to use a single model for multiple tasks and also used for situations where a model can be trained with minimal data and learn over time, even potentially recognising things it hasn’t specifically been trained on, I see much opportunity,” Kramer said.

“That said, today, this is an incredibly expensive undertaking and one that only the big, well-funded players in the space can afford to do. They are, however, doing the early stage heavy lifting here, using LLM and exploring/proving out test cases by building out proofs of concepts and prototyping.”

While it might be expensive today, Kramer said it is likely they will get bigger, more powerful and exponentially less expensive to train in a fairly short period of time.

“The ability to use AI-generated text for negative, or even evil, purposes is as possible as it is to use it for good,” she adds. “These models can and do learn biases, and context is often challenging. It’s challenging for humans, why wouldn’t it be challenging for LLM? We are in a stage that I usually describe as ‘we don’t know what we don’t know, until we know’. I’m cautiously optimistic, but also pragmatically concerned.”

Download the full transcript of Ryan Morrison’s ‘interview’ with ChatGPT here

Topics in this article : ChatGPT , GPT-3 , OpenAI

自上个月发布以来,OpenAI的最新产品ChatGPT已拥有超过100万用户,在早期使用案例中,用户要求编写代码、写睡前故事和为新应用程序制定计划。一些专家认为它在企业中扮演着重要的角色,所以Tech Monitor找到了源头,并问ChatGPT“CIO应该了解你什么?”ChatGPT是从OpenAI的大型语言模型GPT-3中分离出来的最新模型,允许用户使用自然语言对话与之对话。它接受了大量数据的训练,使其能够对各种请求做出响应。它并不总是准确的。编程问题网站Stack Overflow禁止了人工智能生成的答案,因为有大量不正确但似乎合理的答案。Stack Overflow在一份声明中表示:“因为从ChatGPT获得正确答案的平均率太低,所以发布由ChatGPT创建的答案对网站和用户来说是非常有害的。”OpenAI表示,该工具仍在“开发中”,他们正在进行修改,包括根据用户反馈对模型进行训练,因此如果用户解释了错误的地方,错误的代码和响应将有助于改进系统。目前OpenAI只提供beta测试和评估,但预计明年初OpenAI将开放API访问。这将允许企业开发基于该软件的产品,其中可能包括编码、优化和呼叫中心工具。为了了解ChatGPT在企业部门的潜力,Tech Monitor向其提出了一些问题,包括要求生成一份关于管理遗留数据的模拟报告,AI将扮演哪些角色,以及在实现GPT-3这样的大型语言模型时应该考虑哪些风险。“作为一种语言模型,我可以协助完成自然语言处理任务,并可用于生成类似人类的文本,但我不能做出决策或执行任何操作,”当被问及CIO应该了解哪些工具时,ChatGPT宣称。“我的目的是帮助用户生成文本,并帮助完成自然语言处理任务。”它概述了一些可以直接使企业技术领导者受益的领域,包括生成报告、摘要和书面评论,帮助数据分析,生成对常见问题的回答,为应用程序或系统提供自然语言处理,以及帮助从简单的人类语言查询实现自动化。“重要的是要注意,作为一个大型语言模型,我没有能力做决定或执行任何操作,”ChatGPT在潜在用例列表的最后警告说。“我只能根据训练过的信息做出回应,我不能上网或任何外部信息。I的设计目的是帮助用户生成类似人类的文本,并帮助完成自然语言处理任务。“为了得到更具体的回应,你的要求必须非常具体。例如,Tech Monitor要求ChatGPT生成一个示例报告,该报告可用于概述如何在组织内充分利用遗留数据。它建议“实施一项管理和利用这些数据的战略。这可能涉及将遗留数据迁移到现代的、可伸缩的平台,以支持当前和未来的数据管理需求。它还可能涉及实施数据清理和丰富过程,以提高遗留数据的质量和价值”。根据ChatGPT的说法,在企业环境中部署这样一个工具的五大好处是:提高效率、任务自动化、更好地支持客户、改进数据分析和增强自然语言处理能力。 考虑到这些功能,Tech Monitor还询问了ChatGPT未来是否有可能取代人类担任CIO的工作,但它认为短期内不太可能出现这种情况,因为“人工智能和自动化技术目前还不能执行”委托给CIO的各种任务。它列出的这些包括“管理组织的信息技术和系统”,以及“规划和实施技术战略,管理预算和资源,确保组织系统和数据的安全性和可靠性”。它认为人工智能不会在不久的将来取代这些工作的主要原因是人工智能“不能做出战略决策或管理复杂的系统和流程”,但警告说,“对首席信息官来说,了解人工智能和自动化技术的最新发展,并考虑如何使用这些技术来提高其组织技术系统的效率和有效性是很重要的。”即使在被进一步询问如何看待首席信息官的角色,包括将其分解为该角色的职责和不涉及的内容之后,ChatGPT仍然相信人类会保住这份工作。真是松了一口气。但这并不意味着企业部门的所有工作都不会受到自动化的影响。当被问及未来可能被人工智能取代的工作时,ChatGPT列出了一个清单。这包括数据输入、数据处理、客户服务、数据分析、财务分析、质量控制、库存管理、供应链管理、欺诈检测和转录。它解释说,“这些工作通常需要一遍又一遍地执行相同的任务,非常适合由人工智能实现自动化”,而涉及创造力、判断力或专业知识的工作,包括研发、战略和管理,最不可能被人工智能取代。“值得注意的是,人工智能目前还不能取代与这些工作相关的所有任务和责任,”聊天机器人警告说。相反,人工智能和自动化技术可以帮助完成某些任务和流程,并有助于提高效率和生产力。”ChatGPT仍然是一个“研究项目”,没有迹象表明何时或在多大程度上它将被公开提供给企业客户。目前还没有关于未来成本或用例的信息,但它只是开发中的众多大型语言模型之一,因此这种类型的自然语言解决方案很可能在不久的将来在业务中发挥重要作用。Futurum Research的首席分析师Shelly Kramer将企业使用大型语言模型的可能性描述为“令人兴奋和令人生畏”,特别是在这个发展的初级阶段。克雷默说:“因为它涉及到使用单一模型完成多个任务的能力,也用于模型可以用最少的数据进行训练并随着时间的推移学习的情况,甚至可能识别出它没有专门训练过的东西,我看到了很多机会。”“也就是说,如今,这是一项非常昂贵的事业,只有资金雄厚的大公司才能负担得起。然而,他们在这里做的是早期阶段的繁重工作,使用LLM,并通过构建概念证明和原型来探索/证明测试用例。克雷默说,虽然现在它可能很贵,但在相当短的时间内,它们可能会变得更大、更强大,而且训练成本会大幅降低。 她补充说:“将人工智能生成的文本用于负面甚至邪恶目的的能力,与将其用于好的目的一样有可能。”“这些模型可以也确实学习偏见,而背景往往具有挑战性。这对人类来说很有挑战性,为什么对LLM不具有挑战性呢?我们正处在一个阶段,我通常将其描述为“我们不知道我们不知道什么,直到我们知道”。我持谨慎乐观的态度,但也有务实的担忧。”



