
Cloud Strategies to Manage Your Cloud in a Market Downturn


How to Manage Your Cloud in a Market Downturn
Illustration: © IoT For All

It’s growing increasingly likely that a recession is on the horizon. Bloomberg economists stated just last July that the probability of a downturn over the next 12 months stands at 47.5 percent, up sharply from 30 percent odds the month prior. Of course, this is worrying news for organizations of all sizes already operating against significant financial uncertainty. Even the cloud sector, which has historically escaped the wrath of rocky economic conditions and thrived during recessions, is experiencing a wakeup call. For example, Big Tech, who has consistently spent aggressively on building out their cloud infrastructures, is showing signs of a dramatic slowdown. As a result, analysts now say cloud spending growth could slow from the mid-20 percent range down to mid-single digits.

Meanwhile, a research report conducted by my company Wanclouds, found that 81% of American IT leaders say they’ve been directed by their C-Suite to either take on no additional cloud spending or reduce it. In fact, for those asked to cut costs, a vast majority say they now plan to do so by as much as half. This is clearly an interesting development in an industry that has historically defied the down economy. But it certainly doesn’t mean that organizations are quashing their cloud strategies altogether. What it does mean, however, is that organizations are viewing their cloud plans through a much more frugal lens, and part of this is finding a way to not only reduce costs, but optimize spending across the board. Here’s some pointers for those actively seeking to do so.

'Organizations are viewing their cloud plans through a much more frugal lens, and part of this is finding a way to not only reduce costs, but optimize spending across the board.' -Faiz KhanClick To Tweet

Optimizing Cloud Spending

There has been a drastic shift in the past two years where IT leaders are dedicating more significant portions of their IT budgets to the cloud. As an investment, it makes sense. Not only do cloud-based solutions achieve an average ROI that is four times greater than on-premises solutions, but being a cloud-native organization has proven to dramatically reduce demand on IT staff and therefore enable them to decrease personnel costs substantially.

But one issue, in particular, has plagued cloud users for many years, and it is something they will need to get a grip on as they look to weather yet another financial downturn. That is: keeping track of their cloud spending. Unfortunately, until now, this hasn’t been easy. When my company surveyed over 500 IT leaders across the US this summer, 53 percent said they feel they have been hit with more unexpected cloud costs or spending than what they had planned in the first half of 2022. This suggests that even though they were willing to up their cloud investments, too much of their budget was being spent on hidden charges enabled by a lack of company-wide visibility within many cloud platforms’ billing systems.

To effectively manage their cloud environment during the next recession, it is crucial that organizations find a way to gather real-time and enterprise-wide insights into their spending to optimize costs. But with new pressure from C-Suites to reduce costs, it is clear that IT teams will need to consider other measures to optimize spending.

Consider a Hybrid Cloud Strategy

The hybrid cloud is the future for many companies. In fact, according to Cisco’s 2022 Global Hybrid Cloud Trends Report, 82 percent of IT leaders say that they have already adopted the hybrid cloud. Moreover, half of the respondents say they have organized a central CloudOps and NetOps function to “help ensure their organization’s hybrid cloud strategy meets business objectives.”

This is very much against the de facto standard for traditional IT: classic on-premises infrastructure environments and private clouds. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and pushed companies to become more agile, it highlighted several security and operational challenges associated with hosting applications in a private cloud. Top of this list of challenges:

  • Scalability issues
  • High operating costs
  • Vendor lock-ins

But private clouds still have their benefits. IT teams are increasingly choosing to use them alongside public clouds as part of a hybrid cloud strategy. Creating this kind of a blended infrastructure allows them to combine the best of both worlds. It also enables organizations to develop a bespoke cloud experience to their needs, which is imperative in a market downturn that continues to test their skill. Indeed, many businesses will find that the hybrid cloud is their most optimal strategy as they look to deploy the most valuable architecture during the next recession.

Invest in On-Demand Disaster Recovery Plan

As enterprises scale their cloud-native journeys, they are counting on cloud platform providers to host and protect their mission-critical applications. Unfortunately, this has been difficult as organizations battle a cybersecurity crisis, health pandemic, and climate emergency in tandem. All of which continue to threaten the security of vital company data and have already contributed to the theft or loss of billions of data records in the past year.

A huge reason why these data loss events are so costly for businesses is that they often lead to downtime that completely debilitates entire organizations for hours, days, or even weeks. In fact, of the nearly two-thirds of businesses that experienced data loss in 2021, 31 percent experienced downtime or unavailability of cloud services for up to 10 hours. And considering the average cost of downtime is $5,600 per minute, it’s unsurprising that even in ordinary times, some businesses remain shut for good.

So as enterprises adapt to this tumultuous economic landscape, they must adopt an effective cloud-based disaster recovery plan that limits downtime and, therefore, the financial losses it can incur. For mid-market enterprises with smaller budgets, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a great option to automate their backup plans and processes, given how complex and costly it can be to replicate workloads in cloud-native environments.





  • Big Data
  • Cloud Software

  • Big Data
  • Cloud Software
  • IoT Business Strategy

经济衰退迫在眉睫的可能性越来越大。彭博社经济学家去年7月表示,未来12个月经济下滑的可能性为47.5%,比前一个月的30%大幅上升。当然,对于已经在应对重大财务不确定性的各种规模的机构来说,这是一个令人担忧的消息。就连云计算行业也在经历着一次觉醒。在历史上,云计算行业曾逃过动荡的经济环境的冲击,并在衰退中蓬勃发展。例如,一直在大举投资建设云基础设施的大型科技公司,正显示出大幅放缓的迹象。因此,分析人士现在表示,云计算支出的增长可能会从20%左右下降到个位数左右。与此同时,我的公司Wanclouds的一份研究报告发现,81%的美国IT领导者表示,他们的高层指示他们要么不增加云计算支出,要么减少。事实上,在那些被要求削减成本的公司中,绝大多数人表示,他们现在计划削减一半的成本。这对一个历来不受经济低迷影响的行业来说显然是一个有趣的发展。但这当然并不意味着企业要完全取消他们的云战略。然而,这确实意味着,企业正以一种更加节俭的视角来看待他们的云计划,其中的一部分是找到一种方法,不仅可以降低成本,而且可以全面优化支出。对于那些积极寻求这样做的人,这里有一些建议。过去两年发生了一个巨大的转变,IT领导者将更多的IT预算投入到云计算中。作为一种投资,它是有意义的。基于云的解决方案不仅实现了比本地解决方案高出四倍的平均投资回报率,而且作为一个云原生组织已经被证明极大地减少了对IT人员的需求,从而使他们能够大幅降低人员成本。但有一个问题已经困扰云用户很多年了,这是他们需要掌握的,因为他们希望度过另一场金融衰退。那就是:跟踪他们的云消费。不幸的是,到目前为止,这并不容易。今年夏天,当我的公司对美国500多名IT领导者进行调查时,53%的人表示,他们觉得自己在云计算方面遭遇了比他们计划的2022年上半年更多的意外成本或支出。这表明,尽管他们愿意加大对云计算的投资,但由于许多云平台的计费系统在全公司范围内缺乏可见性,他们太多的预算都花在了隐藏收费上。为了在下一次经济衰退期间有效地管理他们的云环境,组织必须找到一种方法来收集关于其支出的实时和企业范围的洞察,以优化成本。但是,随着来自管理层的降低成本的新压力,it团队显然需要考虑其他措施来优化支出。混合云是许多公司的未来。事实上,根据思科的《2022年全球混合云趋势报告》,82%的IT领导者表示他们已经采用了混合云。此外,一半的受访者表示,他们已经组织了一个中央CloudOps和NetOps功能,以“帮助确保他们组织的混合云战略满足业务目标”。这与传统IT的实际标准大相径庭:经典的内部基础设施环境和私有云。当COVID-19大流行爆发并迫使企业变得更加敏捷时,它突出了与在私有云中托管应用程序相关的几个安全和运营挑战。在挑战列表的顶端: 但是私有云仍然有它们的好处。IT团队越来越多地选择将它们与公共云一起使用,作为混合云战略的一部分。创建这种混合的基础设施使他们能够将两个世界的优点结合起来。它还使组织能够根据他们的需要开发定制的云体验,这在持续考验他们技能的市场低迷中是必不可少的。事实上,许多企业会发现,混合云是他们在下次经济衰退期间部署最有价值的体系结构的最优策略。随着企业扩展其云原生旅程,他们指望云平台提供商托管和保护其关键任务应用程序。不幸的是,由于组织同时应对网络安全危机、健康大流行和气候紧急情况,实现这一点非常困难。所有这些都在继续威胁着公司重要数据的安全,并在过去一年里导致了数十亿数据记录的被盗或丢失。这些数据丢失事件对企业成本如此之高的一个重要原因是,它们经常导致停机,使整个组织完全衰弱数小时、数天甚至数周。事实上,在2021年经历数据丢失的近三分之二企业中,31%的企业经历了长达10小时的云服务停机或不可用。考虑到停机的平均成本是每分钟5600美元,即使在平时,一些企业也会永远关闭,这也就不足为奇了。因此,当企业适应这种动荡的经济环境时,他们必须采用有效的基于云的灾难恢复计划,以限制停机时间,并因此限制可能产生的财务损失。对于预算较少的中端市场企业,考虑到在原生云环境中复制工作负载的复杂性和成本,灾难恢复即服务(Disaster Recovery as a Service, DRaaS)是自动化其备份计划和流程的一个很好的选择。








