
Hi Rise Window Washing and More: Lucid Spraying Drones Solve an Age-Old Problem


Company uses spraying drones to efficiently and safely wash buildings

By Jim Magill

Innovative entrepreneurs continue to come up with new ways in which drones can be used to perform a wide range of jobs that had previously required human workers, more efficiently, at a lower cost and more safely, than was previously possible.

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Charlotte, North Carolina Lucid Drone Technologies employs custom-built unmanned aerial vehicles to wash the exteriors of buildings, replacing the need of having workers get to tether themselves onto suspended platforms to perform that dangerous job.

Lucid CEO Andrew Ashur said the founders of the company discovered Lucid’s mission almost by accident.

“The problem really found us. We saw these window washers hanging off the side of a building, trying to clean from great heights,” he said. “It was a fairly windy day and we saw this platform just banging into the side of the building with the workers up there, white-knuckling the rails, and we just wanted to solve that problem.”

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Lucid provides drones and equipment to customers across 18 states, from Florida to California. Its diverse customer base includes cleaning companies, college campuses and entrepreneurs who want to start their own high cash-flow cleaning business.

Pooling the money they had raised through part-time jobs, the young founders of Lucid worked to develop a proof of concept for their fledgling business. In the summer of 2019, Lucid was among the handful of companies selected to participate in Y Combinator, an accelerator program for startups. Y Combinator, which had helped launch successful start-up companies such as Door Dash and Airbnb, provided advice and training in sales, fundraising and product development.

“Even more importantly, it helps you build a great network because you’re in this room with a lot of other founders of other great companies and you’re going through similar problems, similar experiences,” said Ashur. “You just get to learn from one another and share that collective wisdom.”

In its operations, the company deploys hexa-copters specially designed to be attached to a hose hooked up to pumping equipment on the ground. The drone is able to carry a payload of more than 55 pounds, and when in operation can spray chemical cleaning agents onto the sides of buildings as high as 10 stories.

When fully unfolded, Lucid’s rugged but compact drones are about 53 inches in diameter and two feet tall. For transport and storage, they can be folded into a two-foot cube in about 30 seconds or so.

“What we’ve really focused on is making these drones simple and easy to fly,” Ashur said. “I’ve taught my 85-year-old grandmother how to fly the drone, so I promise anyone can learn it and you’d pick it up in no time.”

Pandemic impacts on company

The company’s initial start-up plans were almost derailed by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which hit in early 2020, causing many workers to vacate their office buildings in favor of working from home.

“We were getting ready to launch the cleaning drone really the month that shutdowns took effect. We had to quickly pivot and figure out what product we could build in the middle of a global pandemic that would be useful to cleaning companies, because there weren’t a lot of people showing up to buildings anymore,” Ashur said.

The company’s leaders took Lucid’s core technology and built a drone capable of spray-disinfecting indoor stadiums. Lucid’s disinfecting drones were successfully used by big-name customers to disinfect stadiums owned by Texas A&M University and the Atlanta Falcons.

“But the joke we always told at Lucid is the disinfecting drone was a product we always wanted to go away. And sure enough, back in April of 2021, we were able to refocus on the cleaning drone and that’s all we’re focused on today,” Ashur said.

Custom-built drones

Initially company officials had planned to use off-the-shelf DJI drones with modifications to conduct the washing, but soon decided to design its own UAVs in order to meet Lucid’s unique operational requirements.

“Early on our thought was: let’s take the path of least resistance. Let’s go to a drone manufacturer and let’s build hardware and software around it that would allow us to clean buildings,” Ashur said. “What we quickly realized is that the DJI drones we bought weren’t technically capable of doing what we wanted them to do because they weren’t purpose-built for cleaning.”

In designing its drones for the specific purpose of cleaning buildings, Lucid first had to decide what cleaning method could best be adapted for UAV application. The company’s leaders decided the best cleaning technique involved spraying the building with a cleaning solution, a method that didn’t involve requiring the drone to ever have to be in physical contact with the building.

A second factor to take into account was the environment in which drones would have to operate. “Most drones fly in very open-air environments, such as when they’re inspecting a roof or mapping a plot of land, and that’s a pretty easy technical problem to solve. But our drones are flying very close to buildings where you’ve got high sources of interference,” Ashur said.

“So, another big design consideration for us is what sensors are we going to use that are more interference-resistant and how are we going to program these so that they all behave well with one another, so that we can fly in these more complicated areas where most drones can’t.”

Although Lucid’s building-washing drones are guided by a pilot their sophisticated software package helps them accomplish their mission. “We’ve got obstacle avoidance, high-end precision positioning,” Ashur said. “For us, the goal is to continue to increase that level of intelligence because our end goal is to make it so easy that the operator could show up on site and this drone could recognize its environment in real time and then self-optimize for the most efficient flight path.”

Soft washing vs. pressure washing  

Lucid’s drones use a soft-washing technique, which sprays the cleaning solution chemicals against the side of the building at moderate pressure, at just a little bit greater pressure than that of a typical garden hose. This contrasts with high-pressure washing techniques that blast the sides of buildings with jets of liquid under between 5,000 psi and 10,000 psi of pressure.

High-pressure washing can damage many of the surfaces, such as limestone, brick and mortar that make up the façade of a building. In addition, in the case of mold stains, while pressure washing can remove the outer layer of mold, it doesn’t reach down to the roots of the mold inside the substrate of building material.

Soft washing, on the other hand “uses cleaning solutions to do the heavy lifting of the cleaning,” Ashur said. The specialty cleaning chemicals can kill the mold down to its roots, to permanently remove the stain.

“What we’ve really seen is a lot of people doing vertical surfaces have gravitated towards soft washing. Soft washing is oftentimes more time-affective than pressure washing because with pressure washing, you’ve really got to make sure you hit the stain head-on and hit every single square inch,” he said. With the drone-assisted soft-washing technique, a single pass can saturate the side of a building and remove all the stains.

Read more in-depth articles from Jim Magill:

  • DJI Mavic 3 Earns C1 EU Exam Certificate, in a Worlds First: What that Means for Pilots
  • D-Fend Drone Incident Tracker: Just How Big is the Rogue Drone Problem?
  • Red Cat 4 Ship: One Pilot, Four Drones; Will a Multi Drone System Be the New Normal?
  • AgEagle Evolves: from Agricultural Drones to Flying Robots and More

<img src="https://i0.sensorexpert.com.cn/caiji/809a7418d3765fbd578b2d52d00f5473/20220906/Jim-mug2-150x150.jpg?x-oss-process=style/f800"/>Jim Magill is a Houston-based writer with almost a quarter-century of experience covering technical and economic developments in the oil and gas industry. After retiring in December 2019 as a senior editor with S&P Global Platts, Jim began writing about emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robots and drones, and the ways in which they’re contributing to our society. In addition to DroneLife, Jim is a contributor to Forbes.com and his work has appeared in the Houston Chronicle, U.S. News & World Report, and Unmanned Systems, a publication of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International.

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb is the Editor-in-Chief of DRONELIFE and CEO of JobForDrones, a professional drone services marketplace, and a fascinated observer of the emerging drone industry and the regulatory environment for drones. Miriam has penned over 3,000 articles focused on the commercial drone space and is an international speaker and recognized figure in the industry.  Miriam has a degree from the University of Chicago and over 20 years of experience in high tech sales and marketing for new technologies.
For drone industry consulting or writing, Email Miriam.


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创新的企业家们不断提出新的方法,让无人机能够执行以前需要人力的广泛工作,比以前更高效、更低成本、更安全。继续阅读下面的内容,或者听一听:北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的Lucid无人机技术公司使用定制的无人机来清洗建筑物的外观,取代了让工人们把自己系在悬挂的平台上执行危险的工作的需要。Lucid首席执行官安德鲁·阿舒尔表示,公司创始人发现Lucid的使命几乎是偶然的。“问题真的找上门来了。我们看到这些窗户清洁工挂在建筑物的一侧,试图从很高的地方清洁。”“那天风很大,我们看到这个平台撞上了大楼的侧面,工人们在上面,把栏杆撞得很厉害,我们只想解决这个问题。”Lucid为从佛罗里达到加利福尼亚的18个州的客户提供无人机和设备。它的客户群体多样化,包括清洁公司、大学校园,以及希望开创自己高现金流清洁业务的企业家。Lucid的年轻创始人把他们通过兼职工作筹集的资金集中起来,为他们刚刚起步的公司开发了一个概念的证明。2019年夏天,Lucid是少数几家被选中参加创业公司加速器项目Y Combinator的公司之一。Y Combinator曾帮助Door Dash和Airbnb等成功创业公司成立,提供销售、融资和产品开发方面的建议和培训。阿舒尔说:“更重要的是,它能帮助你建立一个强大的人脉,因为你和很多其他伟大公司的创始人在这个房间里,你也在经历类似的问题和经历。”“你们可以互相学习,分享集体智慧。”在作业中,该公司部署了专门设计的六直升机,可以连接到连接到地面泵设备的软管上。该无人机的有效载荷超过55磅,在运行时可以向高达10层楼高的建筑物侧面喷洒化学清洗剂。当Lucid的无人机完全展开时,它坚固而紧凑,直径约53英寸,高约2英尺。在运输和储存方面,它们可以在30秒左右折叠成一个2英尺的立方体。阿舒尔说:“我们真正关注的是让这些无人机简单易行。”“我已经教会了我85岁的祖母如何驾驶无人机,所以我保证任何人都能学会,你很快就会学会。”该公司最初的创业计划几乎因2020年初爆发的COVID-19大流行而搁浅,导致许多员工搬出办公大楼,倾向于在家工作。“在政府停摆生效的那个月,我们正准备推出清洁无人机。阿舒尔说:“我们必须迅速调整方向,找出在全球流行病期间我们可以制造什么产品,对清洁公司有用,因为现在没有很多人到大楼里来。”该公司的领导人利用Lucid的核心技术,制造了一款能够对室内体育场进行喷雾消毒的无人机。Lucid的消毒无人机被一些大牌客户成功地用于为德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&M University)和亚特兰大猎鹰队(Atlanta falcon)的体育馆消毒。“但我们在Lucid经常讲的一个笑话是,消毒无人机是我们一直想摆脱的产品。果然,在2021年4月,我们能够重新专注于清洁无人机,这是我们今天的全部重点,”阿舒尔说。定制的无人机
最初,公司官员计划使用现成的大疆无人机进行改造,但很快决定设计自己的无人机,以满足Lucid独特的操作需求。“我们最初的想法是:让我们走阻力最小的道路。让我们去找无人机制造商,围绕它开发硬件和软件,让我们能够清洁建筑物。”阿舒尔说。“我们很快意识到,我们购买的大疆无人机在技术上不具备我们希望它们做的事情,因为它们不是专门为清洁而制造的。”在设计专门用于清洁建筑物的无人机时,Lucid首先必须确定哪种清洁方法最适合无人机的应用。该公司的领导决定,最好的清洁技术是向建筑物喷洒清洁溶液,这种方法不需要无人机与建筑物进行物理接触。第二个需要考虑的因素是无人机操作的环境。“大多数无人机在非常露天的环境中飞行,比如检查屋顶或绘制土地地图,这是一个相当容易解决的技术问题。但我们的无人机飞得离建筑物非常近,那里有很高的干扰源,”阿舒尔说。所以,对我们来说,另一个重要的设计考虑是我们要用什么传感器来抵抗干扰,我们要如何对这些传感器进行编程,使它们彼此之间都能很好地配合,这样我们就能在大多数无人机无法做到的更复杂的领域飞行。虽然Lucid的建筑清洗无人机是由飞行员引导的,但它们复杂的软件包可以帮助它们完成任务。阿舒尔说:“我们有避障和高端精确定位。”“对我们来说,我们的目标是继续提高智能水平,因为我们的最终目标是让操作人员轻松出现在现场,无人机可以实时识别环境,然后自我优化,以获得最有效的飞行路径。”Lucid的无人机使用的是软清洗技术,它以中等压力向建筑物的侧面喷洒化学清洗液,只比典型的园艺软管的压力大一点点。这与高压清洗技术形成了鲜明对比。高压清洗技术是在5000 - 10000 psi的压力下,用液体喷射轰击建筑物的侧面。高压清洗会破坏许多表面,比如构成建筑物façade的石灰石、砖和灰泥。此外,在霉菌污渍的情况下,压力洗涤虽然可以去除模具的外层,但它并没有深入到建筑材料基材内部的模具根部。阿舒尔说,另一方面,软洗“使用清洁溶液来完成繁重的清洁工作”。特殊的清洁化学物质可以彻底杀死霉菌的根部,永久性地去除污渍。“我们真正看到的是,很多做垂直表面的人都被软洗吸引了。软洗通常比压力洗更省时,因为使用压力洗,你必须确保直接接触污渍,接触每一平方英寸。”他说。通过无人机辅助软洗技术,一次就可以渗透建筑物的一侧,清除所有污渍。阅读更多来自Jim Magill的深度文章:
吉姆·马吉尔是一位居住在休斯顿的作家,在石油和天然气行业的技术和经济发展方面拥有近25年的经验。在2019年12月从普氏能源资讯(S&P Global Platts)高级编辑的职位上退休后,吉姆开始撰写有关新兴技术的文章,如人工智能、机器人和无人机,以及它们为我们的社会做出贡献的方式。除了DroneLife, Jim还是福布斯网站的撰稿人,他的作品发表在《休斯顿纪事报》和《美国新闻与世界报道》上。《世界报告》和国际无人驾驶汽车系统协会的出版物《无人系统》。推特:@ spaldingbarker订阅DroneLife。




