
Property Tech Is Creating An Incredible Real Estate Opportunity for Entrepreneurs


Few industries have received more attention over the past two years than the residential rental industry. A global pandemic, lockdowns, record unemployment and then employment, exploding home prices, government stimulus and the emergence of a work-from-anywhere society have all played a role in fundamentally changing the dynamics of how, why, and where we live. You can hardly turn on a news program or browse sources without seeing something about rental rates, home prices and the housing crisis.

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Yes, it is an interesting time to be in the rental industry, and especially in Prop Tech (property technology.) But it was interesting well before COVID put it front and center in the public eye. The residential rental industry has all the characteristics of a great place for entrepreneurs to dive in. It has the four key ingredients I always look for in an industry when evaluating an opportunity.

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The rental industry is huge

Of the over 128 million housing units in the US (think apartments, condos, single-family homes), over 30%, or approximately 44 million, are rentals. Each year, Americans pay over $290 billion in rental payments, with that amount increasing each year as rates and inventory rise. So, there is a lot of money at stake.

The business of managing rentals is highly fragmented. There are over 63,000 property management companies and individuals managing properties in the US. The top 100 property managers oversee 4.4 million units, which means that tens to hundreds of thousands of units can be under a single management company. That leaves 40 million units managed by approximately 63,000 managers across the country. Of these, there are over 11,000 who are managing five or more properties, which leaves 52,000 who are managing fewer than five. The addressable market is both huge and highly diverse in terms of needs and sophistication.

The process of renting is complex

Especially for property managers. From finding renters to fill vacancies, answering questions about the property and scheduling tours, to doing background checks, signing a lease, collecting rent payments and managing service calls, there are literally hundreds of activities and touchpoints in the process. Until recently, and still in many cases today, all but the largest property management companies managed any number of these activities manually or on spreadsheets. Fortunately, over the past decade, technology adoption has increased to solve problems along the rental lifecycle; in most cases through point solutions focused on eliminating friction and increasing efficiency (read: lower cost) for specific activities. And in fact, technology adoption is now mainstream and a massive growth area, drive an influx of new entrants into the prop tech space. Which brings us to the last factor: technology adoption.

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Technology adoption is mainstream, but still in the early innings. Everyone knows Michael Porter's Crossing the Chasm, which is the stage at which any new innovation or product "crosses over" from the early adopters to more mainstream and is therefore on the precipice of massive growth. Though this is certainly true, with software and technology there is another key stage in adoption that provides significant opportunity. That is where the proliferation of discrete point solutions in an industry begins to create problems in the form of too many vendors to manage, too many integrations to maintain, increasingly fractured visibility, poor data access, and too much complexity to manage what to the buyer is a single business, not discrete problems. At this point, the technology adoption goes from solving problems and reducing complexity to a negative efficiency factor. This stage is often the most interesting to me because technology adoption is mainstream, so the willing buyers are there, but also set for disruption through simplification.

Prop Tech is entering the next big shift.

The rentals industry, and property management companies specifically, have embraced technology to manage their businesses more efficiently while also improving the renter and staff experience. And while penetration of technology and software still has a long way to go (changing deeply engrained operating models is hard, especially in a distributed business), there is little debate that software provides a better path to higher NOI, staff engagement and resident satisfaction. The challenge facing the industry now is as more options are available and needs are identified, the complexity of administering all the "solutions" has increased. Much like the advent of computers didn't actually decrease the hours an average person worked per week, as had been forecasted in the 1950s, technology makes it possible to do far more in the same time and budget.

Starting in the 1970s, and until not so long ago, advertising in a print publication or website (as evolved in the 1990s) was the only game in town to attract renters and fill vacancies. Today, marketing properties is exponentially more complex and competitive. From listing on an aggregator website, like Rent.com, to promoting their own property website through SEM and SEO, to engagement through social channels, email and retargeting, not to mention nurturing prospective renters through voice, text and email, property managers need to manage across every digital channel. Until recently, this was nearly always accomplished through a mix of in-house, on-property and a multitude of third-party vendors.

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This was the opportunity I saw when I joined Rent. Much like the retail industry went from brick and mortar to online to omnichannel, property managers' marketing needs have evolved to require an omnichannel approach to potential renters; engaging them where and how they want to be engaged.

Building on our position as an industry leader in online rental listings, we set about to develop a full suite of integrated software and services to enable property managers to attract, engage and nurture renters through every digital channel on one platform with one vendor, for all of their properties, simply. From building and hosting the property website itself to marketing through search and social channels, email marketing, chat, phone and everything in between. The operational, administrative and financial efficiencies gained by harmonizing and coordinating marketing and communications across all channels are immense. More importantly, it returns technology to being a simplifier of business, not the cause of more headaches.

Jon Ziglar joined Rent. as Chief Executive Officer in August 2021 from ParkMobile, where he was CEO and a board director since 2015.

在过去两年里,几乎没有哪个行业比住宅租赁行业更受关注。全球流行病、封锁、创纪录的失业率和就业、飙升的房价、政府刺激以及随处工作的社会的出现,都从根本上改变了我们的生活方式、生活原因和生活地点。你几乎不可能打开新闻节目或浏览资源而不看到租金率、房价和住房危机。是的,现在是租赁行业的一个有趣的时期,尤其是Prop Tech(物业技术)。但有趣的是,早在新冠病毒把它摆在公众视线的前面和中心。住宅租赁行业具有创业者们所热衷的所有特点。它有我在评估一个行业的机会时一直在寻找的四个关键因素。相关:纽约市无情的租赁市场仍然很可怕在美国超过1.28亿套住房单元(想想公寓、共管公寓、独栋住宅)中,超过30%,也就是大约4400万套是出租的。每年,美国人支付的租金超过2900亿美元,随着房价和库存的上升,这个数字每年都在增加。所以,这关系到很多钱。租赁管理业务是高度分散的。在美国,有超过63,000家物业管理公司和个人管理物业。前100名物业管理公司管理着440万套公寓,这意味着一个管理公司可以管理数万到数十万套公寓。这样一来,全美就剩下约6.3万名管理人员管理着4,000万个单位。其中,有超过1.1万人管理着5处或5处以上的房产,还有5.2万人管理着不到5处的房产。就需求和复杂程度而言,潜在市场既巨大又高度多样化。尤其是对物业经理来说。从寻找房客填补空缺、回答有关物业的问题和安排参观行程,到做背景调查、签订租约、收取租金和管理服务电话,在这个过程中实际上有数百项活动和接触点。直到最近,直到今天,除了最大的物业管理公司,所有的物业管理公司都在手工或电子表格上管理这些活动。幸运的是,在过去十年中,越来越多的技术被用于解决租赁生命周期中的问题;在大多数情况下,通过点解决方案集中在消除摩擦和提高效率(阅读:更低的成本)的具体活动。事实上,技术应用现在已经成为主流,并且是一个巨大的增长领域,推动了大量新进入者进入道具技术领域。这就引出了最后一个因素:技术采用。相关内容:为退休投资房地产的9种方法采用科技是主流,但仍处于早期阶段。每个人都知道Michael Porter's Crossing the Chasm,这是任何新的创新或产品跨越的阶段"从早期采用者到更主流的人,因此处于大规模增长的边缘。虽然这当然是真的,但是对于软件和技术来说,在采用过程中还有另一个关键阶段提供了重要的机会。这就是行业中离散点解决方案的扩散开始产生问题的地方,其形式是太多的供应商需要管理,太多的集成需要维护,越来越分散的可见性,糟糕的数据访问,以及管理对买家来说是单一业务而不是离散问题的太复杂。在这一点上,技术的采用从解决问题和降低复杂性变成了一个消极的效率因素。这个阶段对我来说通常是最有趣的,因为技术采用是主流,所以有意愿的买家在那里,但也准备通过简化来颠覆。 租赁行业,尤其是物业管理公司,已经开始采用技术来更有效地管理他们的业务,同时也改善了租户和员工的体验。虽然技术和软件的渗透还有很长的路要走(改变根深蒂固的运营模式是困难的,尤其是在分布式业务中),但毋庸置疑的是,软件为提高NOI、员工敬业度和居民满意度提供了更好的途径。现在油气行业面临的挑战是,随着更多的选择和需求的确定,管理所有解决方案的复杂性"增加了。就像计算机的出现并没有像20世纪50年代预测的那样,实际上减少了一个人每周工作的时间一样,技术使得在相同的时间和预算下做更多的事情成为可能。从20世纪70年代开始,直到不久之前,在印刷出版物或网站上做广告(就像20世纪90年代发展起来的那样)是城里吸引租客和填补职位空缺的唯一方法。如今,市场营销的复杂性和竞争性都呈指数级增长。从在像Rent.com这样的聚合网站上挂牌,到通过SEM和SEO推广自己的物业网站,再到通过社交渠道、电子邮件和重新定位,更不用说通过语音、短信和电子邮件培养潜在租户,物业经理需要管理每一个数字渠道。直到最近,这几乎总是通过内部、房地产和大量第三方供应商的混合来完成。相关内容:关于将房地产变成真正财富的5个惊人的建议这是我加入Rent时看到的机会。就像零售业从实体到网络再到全渠道一样,物业经理'营销需求已经演变为需要对潜在租户采取全方位的方法;在他们想要的地方和方式吸引他们。基于我们在在线租赁列表中的行业领导者地位,我们开始开发一整套集成软件和服务,使物业管理公司能够通过一个平台上的每个数字渠道,与一个供应商,为他们的所有物业,简单地吸引、吸引和培养租客。从建立和托管房产网站,到通过搜索和社交渠道、电子邮件营销、聊天、电话等各种方式进行营销。通过协调和协调所有渠道的营销和沟通,可以获得巨大的运营、行政和财务效率。更重要的是,它让技术重新成为简化商业的工具,而不是带来更多麻烦的原因。Jon Ziglar加入了Rent。他于2021年8月从ParkMobile担任首席执行官,自2015年起担任首席执行官和董事会董事。








